Friday, April 4

Misc. Photos_Maura

The first one is a picture of my sister, that I desaturated, except for one eye and printed out on newspaper. The second is of lips, that I put in sepia, and then painted in the lipstick. The third is of Adri. I like it because it's colorful.

Tuesday, April 1

didnt make round 2 homework

Formal Portraits

I like the first picture of Maria, because she is the focus of the picture and the light near the window gives a little bit of a highlight to her face, but I also like the branches and the road, because they give you a mid ground to look at. I like the second one of Maria, because of the way it looks the wall she's leaning against is framing the picture. The last picture of Liz and Rena I really like, because of the highlights on Rena's face from the lighting and the postures they both have, because they contridict each other.

E Plurbis Unnum

I chose these two photos to represent E Plurbis Unnum, because it means "one of many". I took a picture of one CD then I took the picture of the group of CDs to represent the many it came from.

Additional Images

I chose these picture becasue i liked the lighting and coloring in all three pictured. i also like the white flowers in the front of the third picture because it adds foreground.

Sunday, March 30

additional images/mk

I chose this picture because I like how the sun reflected off the water giving it a nice touch to the picture. And I like the feel it gives.

additional images

I chose this photo because we were never assigned just pet portraits because I know how hard it is to photograph pets. But I like how this one came out. I like the lighting on her and her position, you cant tell, but shes looking at a bird and once I took this, she ran right after it.