Saturday, March 30

Garner_Light Box


I took this picture this weekend after I built a light box for the photography project. This was one of my test photos but I ended up liking the way it came out. I had the light angled behind the object so that the light was lighting up the background more. I edited it and turned it into black and white. I like it so much more in black and white because the shadows are more noticeable. It is also more flattering to the eye. The little wrinkles on the ground of the picture are less noticeable in the black and white photo.

Monday, March 25


I took this with my Nikon D3200. I took this in a well naturally lit room. I really like the colors on the mask. I like the small details in the paper and things used to make the mask. One thing I do not like is the distracting background. 

Cha_Houses of Parliament

This is the picture when I traveled in London. This is the picture of Houses of Parliament with Big Ben. I think this is the one of pictures that I think it is pretty well-focused. Even though I took this picture from far, I barely see blur but it is crisp. If I have to mention failure of the pictures, I see the little part of one's shoulder on the edge of left bottom of the picture. Beside this fact, I love this photo.

Sunday, March 24

Flavia_Shine Bright Like a Diamond

This is a photo of an earring. I took this photo on a desk at school. I really like how the diamond is very detailed. Its detailed because I used super marcophotography. The back piece of the earring is blurred out in the background, which I think it gives the photo perspective.


I took this photo a long time ago for the Let Me Tell You About _ project with my Canon Powershot SX110IS. I did this project on my commute to school every day, and I knew how beautiful this field looked in the morning, so I made sure to be at this spot early on a Saturday. I love the symmetry of this photo, both vertically and horizontally. I also love the fact that, even though the trees and land are in front of the sun, they are not simply black shadows nd sillhoettes, and you can also see some detail in them.


Today I went to my cousins birthday. She turned six years old today. I took this photograph indoors, and used the macro setting on my camera.  I like both of these photographs because of the depth of field, I like that in both the paper is focused but then it unfocused. I think my favorite is the bottom one because the confetti paper is coming from the side. I also like it because it looks balanced to me, the upper right  triangle  is paper and lower left triangle has more empty space.

Dilbarian_ sand and stones

   I took this picture outside my favorite restaurant in New Hampshire.  Right outside the restaurant is a a waterfront and a marsh.  I took this picture around mid day but it was really cloudy and windy.  I like the angle of the photo and the way the wind is creating tiny ripples in the water.  I also like the way the 2 bigger rocks draw your eyes to the back and center of the photo.  Even though there isn't a lot of color in the photo i like the dull blue reflection of  the sky in the water.


I took this picture last weekend when I went to the Boston Flower show. My camera was on the landscape setting and with no flash. This was one of my favorite designs because I liked the fountain, and how everything in the "garden" was symmetrical. I only wish that the overhead lights weren't as bright because I think parts are over exposed.   


This is a fan that I photographed with direct fluorescent lighting. It's sort of dusty because it hasn't been used since last summer, but I like the focus points on it. I love the highlights on the metal rims of the fan, and I also like the angle at which I took this photo from. I also like the rims at the front that are blurred out because of the dimension they give this photograph.


I took this photo indoors during one of the blizzards. I just used the light that was produced from the fire


I like this photo because you can see the deatils in the fabric. I like the way is is not completly stratched flat, it has a bend in it.


I took this picture on Saturday morning. I was on a walk and noticed how beautiful the sky lit up behind the trees and how the sun made the water bright and shiny. I like how the shaddows reflect off the snow and how smooth the water looks behind the jagged trees. I used no flash

mcgrath_caramel apples

I took this picture a long time ago for the event project. It was a cloudy day at the Topsfield fair when I took this picture. I like how vibrant the pink is in the sign because it brightens up the gloomy sky. I also like the the crisp focus of the picture. I wish I could have taken this picture without the telephone wires in the background, but I couldn't find an angle that that would work from

Garner_Every Rose Has A Thorn

I took this picture this weekend. It is a close up of the thorns on our rose bush. I put it in windows editor, and adjusted the exposure, color, and straightened the photo. I was unable to save the original but this one is brighter and the details are more dramatic. I love the way you can see the little thorns that look like hairs, as well as the larger ones. I do think that the brown area in the lower right corner is distracting. There was no easy way to get rid of it. This was one of the best photos and I took them at different angles.

Bache_Hockey Scrimage

I took this picture at my brothers hockey practice. I thought it was interesting because the gate was out of focus and the little kids were the subject. I liked the fact that the picture portrayed a sports scene and feel in my opinion. The ice is blury so it looks like its smokey from the frozen air. I think I like the first photo better because it includes all of the players in the line.


I took this picture in lowell...where my dad works. I was in the car and my door was open. I zoomed into the tree above me and took the picture. I love this photo because of the sunlight that is streaming in the middle of the tree branches.


Since a lot of my photos lately have had poor lighting (either overexposed spots or not enough light), I decided to try something different to filter the light without having to edit my photos. So what I used was a cardboard box with the sides cut out and covered with white tissue paper to filter direct light. I had the box sitting on the bay window in my kitchen, which is the window in my house with the best natural light. I took these photos, today around 1:30pm, of a small vase from my living room. I like how there are no overexposed spots and how the edges are crisp. I especially like how the color is vibrant because of the white poster board I put inside of the box. I think I will use the box more often to make the lighting in my photos a lot better.


I took this photo using my camera using the macro setting without flash. I really liked how dark the background in this photo was and how it really brought out the colors in the backpack. I liked that the backpack is at the center and nothing in the background is very distracting.


I took this box of colored pencils last week in the art room. I think this is a cool photo, but if I could change it I would fix the angle a little bit more and not make a face down angle because it's a little boring. But overall, I like this picture because of the colors in the pencils and how they all look nice together.