Tuesday, November 1


I like this photo because I think this photo is interesting, it is a squirrel eating a peanut, and I was really close to it. I took this picture with out flash.


I took this picture of 2 apples because they were just sitting on the counter. I like the sheen on the apples and I like how the bruises give them more definition. Also I like the contrasting colors in the apples with the background but I think the background is a little distracting. I also don't like how the apples blend with counter top. This was shot indoors, no flash, with my sisters canon rebel xs.

Monday, October 31


I like this picture. The reason that I like this picture is the angle of the camera is not boring and the number plate without car is not usual thing. Also I like the focus of the camera because it is claen and there is no wash out. I took this picture indoor and without flash


I like this picture because the colors of the rubix cube are very bold and they pop out from the background. I like how the cube is all twisted and creates a funky shadow right next to it. The cube takes up a little more than 1/3 of the picture attracting the viewer. Some of the stickers have a reflection. This picture was taken without flash and indoors.

Green Day_Ricky

i took this photo near my house and i love the color of the flowers. it is in a good focus as well.


This was a picture I took during one of my studies. I'm not crazy about the shadows at the bottom, but otherwise I'm proud of it. This was taken indoors at midday with no flash and no zoom.

Sunday, October 30

chen_ first snow

it is snowing out this weekend.. the snow looks really nice and pure. but the colourful leaves are not falling yet, so its a good time for shooting pictures. i like the colour in that picure, looks really nice. the wide angle lens makes the house kind of looks like its gonna fall.. i have no idea that how can i makes it batter, but the exposure looks very accurate even it is face to the sun.. info:NIKON D90 [10-20mm F4-F5.6] F8.0 1/250s -0.7EV

Flying High

I took this picture on the plane to michigan, I like the bright colors of the sunset contrast with the dull color of the clouds. I also like how where the sky meets with the clouds it is almost a silhouette yet you can still see the details in the clouds. This was taken on the no flash setting with a 1/3200 iso shutter speed.

Bache_Wood Floor

This is a picture of my bathroom floor. I took it at an angle to add movement. You can tell that the top part is more bright because the light was on, so i tried the flash but it washed out the entire image if there was one thing i could change it would be the darkness in the large white square.


i took this picture without flash, i like this because i design these wood.

Warzewska_Touch the Sky

I took this photo outdoors, without flash. Even though the background is a little distracting, I think that the flow adds to the photo. If I could change something, I would include less, or none, of the rope in front, as well as a less distracting background.

Wang_cute little girl

I really like this photo because the little girl is so cute. I took this photo during the weekend when I was in Boston. The weather is bad, so the light is poor.

Reitter_ Miscellaneous

This is a photo i took of a flower in my front yard. This photo was taken on Wednesday. The flower was the last one on the bush, so i took a close-up shot of it.