Wednesday, May 2


This is a picture I took about two month ago.

Tuesday, May 1

Yulu_Night Build

I was taken this picture in BC last Saturday. I really love the building in the night and the background area is really nice. But something is not good is the focus and the vignetting.

Monday, April 30

Portrait_Ricky Xiang

I took this photo of a little kid who has a great smile on his face, and i think the lighting and composition are good as well.


This is a picture I took out the window at school. I like how the blues and greens are really vibrant. Also I like how all the lines from the cross walk and the power lines are parallel. I think the angle of this picture is really cool and it gives it a nice flow.

Sunday, April 29

Rabinowitz_Koi Fish

This is a photo of one of our koi fish in the pond in front of my house.  I took this photo using no flash, just sunlight.  The orange coloring makes the fish stand out in the photo.  I also thought that the reflection of the tree above in the water added a different dimesion.

Austin_Colorful Flowers

This is a photo i took while on a nature walk. i think the stark image and shadow complement the grass/dirt environment nicel. this was taken at midday with no flash on the macro setting.

Jules_Her name was Lola

This is a picture of Mark's dog named Lola. I took this at one of his lacrosse games. I like how she is the center of the photo and she isn't looking at the camera. I like how she has great highlights on her hair. I wish it wasn't as sunny cause parts of the photo are overexposed. 


This is another flower in my front yard. I like this because of the deep blue color of the flower. Also, I took this at a downward angle. I think that it makes the photo interesting. If I could change something, i would have liked to move the flower in the top right corner out of the frame. I think it takes away some of the focus from the two flowers in the middle of the frame.


I took this photo indoors on a windowsill, natural lighting. I really like how the focus is spread around the fern and how the different angles add to the flow of the photo. If I could change something, I would have included more of the top of the fern, instead of cutting it off.


This is a picture of one of my brothers toy cars. I thought it looked cool because only the front was in focus, and has a lot of detail. I think it has good lighting and color, and a wide depth of field.


This is a photo of a flower from a bush I have right outside my house. I have never really looked at the flowers on that bush this closely. So, I decided to take a picture of it since it looks so pretty upclose.

Trevor_Flower Group

This was a photo back at a flower shop that I ususally pass by when I walk around in my neighbor hood. Usually I don't really focus on taking photos of flowers, and will usually do it if I'm testing out different settings on my or just some camera. This was a different ocassion and I tried to take a photo of a group of budding flowers that were infront of all of the other groups. If you concentrate on what is in focus then you'll notice that only that small section of it is in clear viewing, while the rest of it is to fill the photo frame. What this does is make the viewer focus on the detail more than anything else. Not so much on pattern or movement of the stems, even though there is some, but what is must portrayed is the color and the detail that the single group of budding flowers show towards the viewer.

Chen_ subway station

I took this picture in Washington DC, this picture is showing a subway station in Washington DC, I was shooting this picture in a slow shutter speed by hand hold. So I was glad that everything are in focuse when it comes out. The subway station looks spectacular and the train is moving. Info: NIKON D90 [10-20mm F4-5.6]  F4.0  1/15s  ISO800  -1.0EV

I took this photo about a week ago at a fire pit. I like how the vibrant orange of the fire really sticks out of the grey rocks. I like how warm the orange looks and how boring and grey the rocks look. it shows difference in color. I think this photo is very warm and interesting. and I like the effect the time of day puts on the photo.