Sunday, November 1


This photo was taken on Halloween. I love it because of the color although it isn't focused well.

adjectives project.

this photo of my kitten represents kindhearted. i took it around noon, but it was cloudy so i used mostly artifical light.
i took this picture in a feild. i like it becasue the wind is slightly blowing so the white spreads out through the whole picture


This picture was taken from my friends dorm room in Providence. I didn't realize that the settings on my camera were changed until I uploaded it, but I like the way the lighting turned out and I really like how the sky looks.


This is photo of adjective " tangled" I like that string with tangled .Also in the back, the green grass and brown leaves are beautiful


shot this photo on auto, but i really like the lighting and the colors.


I took this picture after a cross country meet. I really like the light on her hair, but i wish the van wasn't in the shot.