Thursday, October 14

Colors of ....

I took this from my dad's plane a few weeks ago. I like how you can see the moon and the separation of the land and sky.

Monday, October 11

The Color of ___

I took this in New Hampshire next to the lake at about 11:00. I like how the green tree is blurred in the background. The light blue sky makes the branch in front stand out more.

the color of blank

I took this picture when i was in CT at my cousins house. It was in my aunts garden in the front. I took it because it shows the different shades in the peddles by the way the light hits it. I also, think the background makes it pop out.

Sunday, October 10

Color of ___

I took this picture at 2:00 on the flower setting of my camera. I like the way the orange of the pumpkin stands out from the green of the bush in the background. Also, I like the different angle I took of the pumpkin.