Saturday, December 13

radiant glow

1/160 F stop 3.5
-1.0 exposure
ISO 80
This picture was taken around 1:15 PM on a clear afternoon. I love the highlights caught in our eyes and hair and how the lighting gives us a's not too bright and not too subtle. I also like how I took it at a slant and how the treebranches and bark make a good bacground. I did not have my tripod with me, so taking this picture with one could have prevented camera shake and helped this turn out more crisp.

Wednesday, December 10

Christmasy #2

I just thought it would be kindof interesting, since Meghan commented on my first picture saying that it would be cool to focus in on the snow. I agree and I think that the snow is such an interesting part of the picture. This is a picture that I tried to focus in on the snow. I didnt know if I really liked the picture, so I'm glad meghan said something. This has just about the same settings as the previous picture. If you look close enough right at the focused point you can actually see an individual snowflake and its shape. :)


This picture was taken when it snowed this weekend :) I took it before all the snow fell off the leaves around 11 o clock. I used super macro and center weighting to focus on the red berry. I used an apeture of 2.7 and a shutter speed of 1/250. I thought it was in the spirit of christmas coming up :)

Sunday, December 7

I'm not sure the setting on my camera, i just know I didnt us use the flash. I like this picture b/c the rays coming from the moon, and the silhouette in the lower right corner, of the tree