Sunday, February 22

The Buccaneer's are back!

I took this today around 7am. I was down The Cape greeting my brother from his 2 month trip. I like how the ship bleeds off both sides of the picture. I also really like how the sky was captured.
this picture was taken on the same day as the previous picture.
i had my wide angle lens on, so that explains the vignette, and also there was a window right next to the flowers, and the color of the flowers and the glass fish tank also next to it, all reflected onto the wall.
This picture was taken at my friends house-digital.
ISO was 200
slightly out of focus, but i like it


I took these pictures in Florida this week. I took them at 1/60 shutter speed and around 1:00. It was taken outside but under a roof so that is why there is not harsh light on the bird. I like the blue background behind the blue bird and how cool the face is. :)

Seat belt

I took this in the car. I took this almost 4 o'clock. The sun set in that time. I like that a half is sky and the other side is in car. I think it's intersting.