Saturday, November 23

I took this picture when I was in Boston, walking around. What I really like about this photo is that the picture is almost symmetrical with both sides being different but still parallel to each other.

Monday, November 18

Yan_Veterans day

I took this photo during Veteran's day when the soldiers were walking in the park. I like the lighting of the photo and how the picture is very symmetrical. Color in the picture is overall not bad. I wished that the man on the left of the picture  was not there. 

Sunday, November 17


I took this photo when I was on the way picking up our host child Emily on a sunny afternoon. I like it a lot because I caught a good shoot of the quirrel, and I put it in the middle of the photo when it was standng still. I also like it since there was light in the back and made the leaves on the ground look more colorful.


This is a picture of my grandpa and i holding hands the day before he passed away. I was holding his hand while he was sleeping for 6 plus hours. I kept on telling him that everything was going to be ok and that we would get through this. I luckily had my camera in my backpack since i came right from school and took this picture, i wanted to remember this moment forever. I really like this picture because I think it shows age within my grandpas hands and the youth in mine. I really wished i had took the picture a little bit farther out.


    I took this picture on the way to picked my cousin. I like the sun behind the tree.The weather is so clear which make the picture look more confortable.And the colorful leaves and the leaves around the picture is so beautiful.

Sara_ Water droplets

I took this picture for the scavenger hunt on a very overcast day.  I like the clarity of the photo and the composition.  I love the way the other leaves are scattered around the central petal.  i also like how it is flipped upside down so it could catch the drops.  Lastly I like the details in the leaves and petals.


I took this photo while we were taking pictures for the "Whoz it? Whatz it? Wherez it?" and I discovered that I really liked it because because it's kind of a mystery photo. It was taken of a plant outside the school, yet it looks like it could of been a sea creature of some sort. I also liked how the focus is on the back of the photo, I think it gives it more dimensions.


I took this photo of my sister and my dog when they were playing in the yard.  I like how the sun lights up the background, making the two of them more in focus without being distracting.  If I could change one thing about this I would remove the fire place in the background because I feel like it takes away from the action in the photo and just is distracting.  I like the lighting and how the background is lit up though from this angel.  I used no flash and natural light.


This is a photo I took of a tree that had been cut down the middle years ago and has started to heal itself. I like this photo a lot because with the blurry spot in the bottom right I feel it adds more depth to the photo. I also like how with the angle the photo was taken, its adds more depth into the part of the tree that looks like it was eaten by termites.



I took this photo when I was in Montreal for the Montreal/Quebec trip last weekend. I decided to choose this photo for my miscellaneous post because I like the many different varieties of color, light, contrast, and shadows in this photo because it makes this photo appear beautiful. I also like how the Cathedral's structure is in almost perfect focus, because it draws your attention to the artistic architecture of the Notre Dame Cathedral. I also like how the lights on the pillars are lit because it shows the amazing textures and features on the Cathedral's brilliance. I also like how the top corners of the cathedral are darkened because it makes this photo appear uniquely to the viewer, which is very important to the focus point of this photo. The focus point in this photo is on the amazing structure of the cathedral's gothic architecture, which gives the viewer an artistic point-of-view towards the amazing structures, light, colors, tones, texture, and depth to this photo. I wish this photo was in total focus, because it would reflect the full and genuine beauty of the Notre Dame Cathedral. I also think it would show more of the amazing gothic style, colors, and texture to this photo. I took this photo without flash, using natural light, macro, ISO 400 speed, auto white balance setting, and 1/8 shutter speed. Even though, this photo wasn't aligned perfectly this was the best photo out of my 5 other attempts to get this as amazing as I could possibly take this photo.


I took this photo with my camera, without flash, and using the macro setting. I really liked this photo because of some of the nice colors in the background that really add a lot to the photo. I also really like the depth of field in this photo. The grass is in focus and the background is generally out of focus.


I took this photo when I was in Quebec for the Montreal/Quebec trip during Veteran's Day Weekend. I took this while I was out on a walk a few hours before I went to dinner so I walked around town in Quebec City. I chose this photo because I like it how you can see the various areas of lightness in the photo. The sun was almost set for the evening, I like it how the light was still reflecting on the building with the flags, and the light wasn't reflecting on the trees and the rest of the background. The only thing I wished that I could fix would have been to not have the people on the boardwalk in the photo since it makes the photo a little distracting. I really like this photo because of it's content and quality, that is why I picked this one for my miscellaneous post for this week.