Friday, March 14

E Pluribus Unum

I chose these images because they showed many different ticket stubs forming one collection.

Thursday, March 13

MK/epu and portraits

The first picture is EPU because I tried to focus on just that one quarter out of the many in the jar. The light only hit just that one out of many, so it stands out. I like the first formal pic because I like how the shadows and the light refect off her face. And i also like how shes not looking at the camera, it makes for a more interesting shot. I like the second formal pic because I like how the shadows take over this pic as well. Both girls make the picture work.

Tuesday, March 11

Keith - E Pluribus

Meaning- All of the supplies, such as the pencil and paper, watercolor paint, and brush are used to create this painting Many-Supplies = One- The painting

Formal Portraits

I chose these three photos because i felt they portrayed what i felt to be formal portraits. The first one is a close up of Ruthie, I liked how the light touched her face so that the shadows were softened. The second is Ruthie against a bush, i liked how the shadows frame the picture in a way. The last photo is Ruthie leaning against a tree, I liked this one because although it has more of a casual feel it has a formal and well thought out touch to it.
I chose these three portraits because I thought that they all looked well done, and thought out.
I took The first one of Ruthie in front of a black trailer, the second, she was sitting on a rock in a creek and the third, obviously by a tree.

Siobhan- E Pluribus Unum

The pictures of the pencils portray E Pluribus Unum because it's a cup of pencils all facing eraser-side-up, and one is facing lead-side-up. For the picture of the people holding hands, my idea was to show a series of cultures and races coming together, because E Pluribus Unum on the currency symbolizes the melting pot that the United States is. For the encylopedias, I wanted to basically show the first encylopedia of the several in the series.

Monday, March 10

formal portraits

i chose these pictures because they all have good lighting


i chose this picture because i like the ligthing and the highlights, and together all the flowers make a single boquet

E Pluribus Unum!_maura

This is a meshing of several different people into probably one of the scariest things I have ever seen in my life.

Formal Portraits

Hello! I chose these pictures because I always wanted to learn how to put certain areas of a photo in color and the rest in black and white and I finally have learned how to do that. I chose the colorful one because it is bright and cheerful.

Formal Portraits

E pluribus Unum

This photo is meant to mean from many petals comes one flower.