Wednesday, March 10

PSH charming, dog, patterned

a CHARMING cat and a stuffed DOG cuddling on a pile of PATTERNED blankets.

PSH dog, pattern, sandle

PHS. Charming,Sandle,Pattern

This photo has a patterned background. it is charming becasue he is putting on her sandle for her like prince charming.

PSH: dog, patterned, sandal

PSH: Sandal on a Pattern

This was taken with artificial lighting because I thought the greens blending together more with the yellow toning might look nice.

PHS- Dog, Charming. Sandal, Patterned

This is a photo of one of my stuffed dogs wearing a top hat and carrying a rose in his mouth to be charming and wearing patterned sandals. I took it in black and white because to me, charming seems to be an old-time photo type of adjective. Plus there were a lot of colors that didn't really go together so I thought if it was in black and white it would more composed and less distracting and all over the place.

PSH, Charming Dog & Patterned Sandal

I took this picture of my dog maggie holding a patterned sandal. I labeled this picture: charming dog & patterned sandal because my dog has a habit of bringing treats to our guests. Anything she can find around the house (it is usually shoes), she brings to our guests. she doesnt chew on what she brings she just brings it as a "gift." she does this every single time someone comes home or we have a guest over. she panics if she cant find something to bring and she goes frantic looking for gifts when she hears the door. My dog is quite charming. 

PHS- patterned, sandal

PSH: Charming Scream Dog Patterned

Isn't that charming-screaming-dog-sitting-next-to-that-patterned-blanket so cute?

PSH--patterned, charming, dog

Tuesday, March 9

PSH_patterened & sandle

reflection- late sunday post

I thought this was a cool reflection of all the cars in the parking lot. it is a picture of the rear bumper on a honda i believe

PSH - sandal, pattern


I would also say that this little boy/giant dog combo is charming. The baby is wearing a patterned hat and he is standing next to a sheep dog. I took this using natural light.

PSH-Charming, Sandal, Strawberry Blonde, Scream, Dog, Patterned

Don't you hate that strawberry blonde in the patterned skirt who keeps screaming at that charming dog who took her sandal?
The strawberry blonde used her self timer in her charming back yard one sunny day.

Monday, March 8


This is one of my birthday presents. I took this picture without flash and set the white balance as tungsten light. There were a "MacBook Pro" in the center and some reflected lights on the monitor originally but I thought they were kind of distracting so I just cropped them out. It now seems like the "girl" can stand without any supports.

Sunday, March 7


This was taken on a cloudy day at the cape after it was raining with all natural light. I liked the way the pathway looked and the wind blowing the grass.


for the first photo, i wanted to focus on the highlights on the ice, and also the strip of sunlight on the grass on the top middle of the photo. for the second photo, i tried to make the telephone wires stand out more than the tree branches, because in reality, the branches overpower the wires, so i adjusted the settings on my camera to make the wires the focal point. the only editing done to this photo was making the tones warmer.


I took this photo of the rain on my mom's car window. I was trying to get the raindrops running down the window, and I like how the one drop is really big but there are a few smaller spatters too. I also like how the whole photo kind of flows downward. I wish there was a little less negative space in the background but I am overall pleased with the turn out.


I really liked the depth of field in this picture. Taken in natural light.


This is another picture from the boat show. I converted it to black and white because I wanted the wood grane to be more defined.


I took this picture yesterday morning around 11. i likke the way the water looks and how the movement of the picture moves towards the upper right corner.

Bubble Wrap

I took this picture with natural lighting. The background, behind the bubble wrap, is a cream-colored curtain. I like the shadows created from the curtain and the subtleness of the bubble wrap.


I took this for the bubblewrap project. No flash. I took it against a wall that had light coming through a window, creating the rainbow

Bubble wrap

I took this picture trying to get this effect (this isn't edited). I don't like the background a whole lot because of that random white stripe in the middle, but I really like the way the bubbles look.