Thursday, October 2

Heaven & Earth

I chose to post this photo to the blog because I absolutely love the different spots of light that the sun gives off. This was taken in a parking lot but I like how the numerous cars give the bottom of the picture a busy atmosphere and depth. I'm not sure what F stop or shutter speed I used to get this shot because I accidentally deleted it off my camera before I could find out... >.<

Mr. Cottontail

I chose to post this picture because it is hard to get close enough to a rabbit to get a crisp and clear shot. It looks almost as if it were posing for me. This picture was taken in my backyard. I love how the bunny is directly in that strip on sunlight and behind it there is shade. The details in the fur on its face can be seen from its profile since one side is illuminated by the sun. I like the neutral coloration and lighting.

Tuesday, September 30


This picture was taking during my internship at Danforth Museum of Art in the kitchen. The window in the door if the kitchen had a cool frosted look and so I had my friend Charlie stand behind it, and in turn got this creepy/cool photo. 
I don't remember what the settings were on my camera, but there was a warm ambient glow in the room, and I didn't use flash.

Monday, September 29

New York City Katie Flagg

This picture was taken in New York City this weekend at about 9 o clock. It was taken at 1/6 aperture and f 2.7. No flash was used. I really like this picture because the fog makes it look like the building is dissapearing into the sky. The light on the side was intentional to give the picture depth.