Monday, September 29

New York City Katie Flagg

This picture was taken in New York City this weekend at about 9 o clock. It was taken at 1/6 aperture and f 2.7. No flash was used. I really like this picture because the fog makes it look like the building is dissapearing into the sky. The light on the side was intentional to give the picture depth.


MrB said...

Katie - I love your 'Eye' - you always do such a wonderful job capturing ambient light and using it to set a Mood for your 'land'scape images. Try to use the same light and color manipulation for portraits and still life shots too. Truly great image, cant wait to see others from NYC.

Vanessa O said...

Wow. I love this picture. The haze and warm colors give the picture an almost eerie but comfortable setting. The composition is nice and I think you did an awesome job of capturing this image. =)

HavenP said...

I absolutely love how the building seems to go on forever in the haze. It gives it mysterious feeling. The light in the upper right is a bit distracting.