Monday, October 18


I took this at sunset in New Hampshire. I like how the light goes from being white to almost red.
I took this picture on my window sill, in the late afternoon saturday. I like how some parts of the safety pins are in focus and some parts are not.
I took this picture walking down street from school. I like this picture because of the detail in the picture and they yellow outlines in the leaf.


I took this picture on a rainy day a few weeks ago in the parking lot at school. It is a picture of what formed when oil and water mixed together. I love the pattern, the colors, and the flow in this picture.

Random Part 4

I took this picture three weeks ago also and the main focus is the flower and I like how it's slightly out of focus.

Random Part 3

I took this picture three weeks ago at a park in Medway. I like the because its ike the trees are framing the lake.

Random part 2

This is an old house in Medway that I thought was absolutely gorgeous. I took it about three weeks ago with my camera on the automatic setting


I know the foreground to this picture is kind of busy, but I ike how the car is blurred and I think the sunset was a good background. I took this picture two weeks ago with my camera on the automatic setting.

Sunday, October 17

Color of _(2)

I saw a vibrant colored tree when I was driving home from school one day, so I pulled over. This is an upclose picture of a leaf from the tree. I like how vivid the leaf is and how blurry the green trees are in the background.