Thursday, May 8

Favorite Pic_Brittany

This is my favorite picture because I like how you can see so many details on the mountian and I also like it becuase it has so many layers to the picture

Wednesday, May 7

Favorite Picture_Maura.

This is my favorite picture that I have produced because I like how it is on newspaper. I also like it because the girl in the picture is my sister and she is cute.

Fave Picture of the Year-Cassandra

This is my favorite image of the year, because I like how it shows further down the stream and how the water is washing over the rocks.

Tuesday, May 6

fave image- Kiley

this is my favorite picture of the year- its very detailed and very crisp in the way it captures the fog rising off the water
This is my favorite picture becasue i like the mean look on mike's face and the scared look on kelly's face. i also like the coloring of this picture.

Favorite Image

This is my favorite image of the year because I really like how it's exposed and I like the lighting. I also like how the shadow coming off the toothbrush is blue.

Monday, May 5


I choose this image as my best because it looks really cool. I like how you can see the water spraying up. it is as if it is an action shot. you can see every detail of the water. Also i like how the sun shines on half of the water and on the other half its shaded. This is why i choose this pic for my best one.