Thursday, February 13


I took this photo while working on my editorial project. I like the brightness of the photo and the unique idea that I can up with. I put a lot of effort into this photo and I liked the way it turned out because it's not something you'd see or expect.

Wednesday, February 12


I took this photo a couple weeks ago when it snowed pretty hard. The photo is of many small tree branches with fresh snow fall on them. I really like the contrast between the white snow and the brown of the trees. I like how it is so vivid. It makes your mind look everywhere. I like how it just looks simple. It looks like a classsic winter picture.

Monday, February 10


I took this photo of my cousin while I was in Pakistan. I really like this photo because of the lighting and the way she is positioned. The lighting makes the photo look unique, and the angle the photo is taken in makes it look different too. 


I took this picture in my backyard of a close up of a large icicle hanging off my roof.  I really like how you can see a lot of the detail in the icicle and I also like the color of the sky in the back round.

Sara_ sadie

I took this photo of my dog while we were outside in the snow.  I took it on an overcast and snowy day so the lighting wasn't harsh.  I really like the way the snow looks as it is falling on her fur.  I also like the way she is licking her nose.  Lastly, i would change the way the branch is cutting across her body in the shot.

Sunday, February 9


I took this picture in my house. I live in a Chinese host family. We have this flower in the house because of the celebrate of the Chinese new year. I like the blurred of the background of the picture wich can make the flower look more unique and beautiful.And the flash effect on the flower make the picture more comfortable.


These are some pictures I took of my friend Vanessa while doing a make-up assignment. I like all of them equally. They all have good highlights in the eyes and hair. I took around 300 pictures and these are my top 3. I was trying to go for an urban theme.


I took this picture in my room, at night. I looked at them and thought they might look cool as a picture, I took a couple shots, and this one came out surprisingly good. I especially like that all the other lights are very blurry, and only one is in crisp focus. One of the things I would have done if I realized at the time was to take it vertically because I think it would look even better


I took the original photo about 4 months ago, the photo on top. I took the photo with the flash off. I think if it was a sunny day you would be able to see the flowers full color and the detail of the flowers. This was taken standing up. One of my favorite things about this photo is the pink shade in the flower. I overall like the dark feeling in the second photo.


I took this photo of my sister and dog in my backyard for one of scavenger hunt topics a while ago.  I like how the light is shining making the two of them pop out in the photo.  If I could change one thing I would take away the fireplace in the background because it is a little distracting where it cuts her legs off.  I like the lighting though and how this is a candid of them. 


I took this photo when I was in New York City. I like how the neon lights contrast with the dark background. The different neon color lights seem to blend with each other. The things I would change about the picture is that to make the picture more symmetrical. and to avoid things that are in the background of the picture.


I took this photo with my camera, without flash, and using the macro setting. I really liked the pink in the doughnut and the sprinkles and how they really pop against the white background. I also like how only part of the doughnut is in focus and the rest is generally out of focus.