Sunday, February 9


I took this photo when I was in New York City. I like how the neon lights contrast with the dark background. The different neon color lights seem to blend with each other. The things I would change about the picture is that to make the picture more symmetrical. and to avoid things that are in the background of the picture.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think you did a great job on this photo. The thing that I like the most is the Radio City sign that goes all around the christmas tree. I also like the red light shinning on the left side of the photo from the left radio city sign. I think the focus on the radio city sign letters is also great too. The christmas tree in general is very colorful, crisp, and large. The most interesting part of the tree to me, the way the lights are all even starting from the bottom to the top. My recommendation, next time I think you should slide to the left more,by this you will avoid the street light at the bottom left of the christmas tree. Overall, I think this is a very cool photo great job.