Saturday, March 8

Formal Portraits

these are my three formal portraits. i like the first one alot because of how it looks in black and white, and because of the different tones of black white and gray. i like the second one because of the lighting effects on the dress. the light hitting off the sparkels on the dress really adds to the photo. for the third photo i like the pose, the shine on the dress, and the shaddows.

E Pluribus Unum

my three e pluribus unum photos all fit into the theme "from many raindrops comes one rainstorm." i like how in the first image, you can actually see the falling rain, and the reflection of the ground and sky in the raindrop. in the second and third images, i like the colours, reflection in the raindrops, and the fact that the background is not in focus so that you can focus more on the raindrops.

Colin McElearney Formal Portraits

Friday, March 7


First and foremost I just wanted to share what this actually is. This is a sound board, a very big sound board.I Chose this picture because of 2 things. First because its probably the coolest thing I've ever seen and I plan on going to school where this thing is. and because of its many ways to think about it. their are many lights that make it up and because each knob, switch and slider controls something different which helps make one ultimate product. The sound you hear. This is why I choose to use this as my EPU picture. and just to give you a sense on how big it really is below i added a picture of it when the light are on in the room.

Formal Portraits

I chose these 3 formal portraits for many reasons. I chose the first picture because I like the light in Tanner's eyes and even though the snowflake is on his face, I feel that it gives the picture more character. In the second pic I love how Kellianne's pose is off to the side. For my third picture, I chose this one of Priya because I love the angle at which I took it.

E Pluribus Unum

I chose these two EPU pix because I find them especially interesting. My idea for the first picture was "Of many trees, there is one forest" I especially like the colors given off by the sunset in the background. For the second pic, I thought "Of many books, one is different" I love how the focus is only on the different book.

Thursday, March 6

vofodile's epu's2

I like how the different shades of the pennies can be detected because of the amount of highlights on the ones with clean shiny surfaces compared to the old rusted ones. I alos chose to put these up because these looked the best since they were taken from many different angles

vofodile's epu's

The first two pictures of the days of the month march on a calendar with the blurred out one represent "one from many" because of the one day that is blurry and  "from many one" for all the days and weeks that make "one" month.
In the second picture, one car from many other vehicles stands out. It is white, it has its lights on, it is backing up and it is in the middle.
The next two pictures opposes the first vehicle one because they are the only ones out of many parking spaces that are taken.

vofodile's formal portraits

I like the first picture of my greatgrandmother because I was going for a relaxed and natural look that did not look posed. It is hard to see the details of her face due to the camera shake and her eyes because I had trouble with the lighting but besides those major problems, this was one of my favorites out of the ones i took of her.
I like the 2nd and 3rd b&w close-ups of my mother because of the soft highlights on her lips and cheek and the mood of the pic.
In the mirror picture of my mother, I like how you can see both her side profile and the front view reflected. I do agree that the keyboard and book in the bacground is distracting.
My favorite formal portrait is the close-up color one of my mom. It has a soft look to it.
The last picture was supposed to make the viewer understand the person in the picture is sad. In my opinion the b&w added more depth and meaning to it.

Wednesday, March 5

i chose these two ebu because i thought that they were cool pictures. i light the lgiht reflection on the cds. i also like the close up of the milk.
i picked these three formals becasue i liked how they came out. i like the lighting and the backgrounds of all three pictures.

Monday, March 3

E Pluribus Unum

the first and the third picture show one red m&m out of many green m&m's. the middle picture shows many oranges with one apple in the middle. this is how these relate to the phrase E Pluribus Unum

formal portrait

I chose the first one because i like the whole flag in the backround and the close up looked pretty good. i chose the second one because i liked the red backroud it made the picture look nice. I chose the third one because it looked cool with the half of the flag in the photo