Wednesday, January 23


I took this picture with a Nikon D3200. I like this photogrpah because there are multiple shades of brown. I like how there is a lot of focus and detail on the leather and the metal. I also like how the focus on the strap fades as the strap goes down.

Sunday, January 20


I took this photo a few weeks ago for our Portraits project. This was taken in the school in the hallway of the front enterance. The only light used was the available light coming from the front doors and windows; it was a very sunny day. Since it was so bright, though, I think that their faces are a little flat looking because of the excessive light. But I love how all of their eyes stand out from the brightness. Probably the only thing that I would change would be that I would have moved a little farther back when I took this photo because part of Amanda's face and some of Claudia's hair got cut off a bit.

Duchaney_Track Runners


I took this with my Canon PowerShot SX110IS on ISO 3200. This is a good example of a challenge that I have always had with my camera. Whenever I take photos at track meets, with fast action and indoor light, I alway face this problem. On any other setting besides ISO 3200, the photos are very blurry, but whenever I do use it, they come out unclear and sort of grainy. If the quality was not so poor, I would think this is a very good action photo. I like how the runners are at different intervals in the foreground, middleground, and background, showing depth in the composition. I also like how the Marian runners are in the front and in brighter colors, making them stand out in contrst to the the other team. I wish I hadn't cut off Cam's shoe, and the lights are a little distracting.


I took this picture outside of Marian by the garage. I use it for my portraits 1,2,3 project. I like that Jack isn't in the center of the photo because, I think it looks more interesting than a typical portrait. There was someone standing next to him at the time the picture was taken. You can see their shadow in the right hand corner. I wish I had noticed this earlier.