Saturday, March 22


I took this picture of the ice/snow in my front yard last week. I like the way the camera focused on one spot of the ice and the rest looks like it might be moving because it's focused. This picture just gives me a strong winter feel, colors and all.

Wednesday, March 19


I took this photo last week while I was working on my portrait film project. I took this because I wanted to see how it would look in black and white. I ended up really liking the photo in color because it is a strange photo and I thought it was very interesting with the different shades of very different colors. I really tried to find the right lighting that would reflect off of her eyes and also expose the other colors in the photo.

Tuesday, March 18


   This is a photo i'm posting that was due 1st term. I took this photo during our football game against Mystic Valley. I really like this photo because this was the closest game I've ever watched us play and you can see that in the crowds faces. I also like how this captures a moment in time in such a high speed sport and gives a clear picture of what a hand-off between the quarterback and running back looks like.

Sunday, March 16


This picture i took it in Boston with my phone.I was on the way to the driver school.I like the ankle that i took this picture.And the shadow on this church building.And the lighting of the photo is good.So i choose this photo for my sunday post.


I took this photo and used it for my favorite assignment. I took this photo outside earlier today. I put my shoe on top of branches that frayed out and balanced it on that. I really like the lighting in this picture because it hits the shoe i all the right places. I like how i focused on the small sailboat of the logo so that it is in the best focus and depth of field. The only thing i would change about this picture is the shoe lace that is out of focus. I really like this picture.


I took this photo today in Paper Source in Boston. I like this photo, because the book in the center of the photo, other books were blurred out but that book was focused. And I also like the wooden bookshelf. I may use it for my Favorite project.


I took this photo of my cat Rose.   She was sitting on the windowsill in my bedroom.  I like how she is hiding in the curtains in this photo and only half of her face is showing.  I like how this photo is mostly made up of all whites and blacks.  I think this is a really interesting and I only wish the lighting was a bit better. 


I am posting for 11/24/13. I took this picture when I was in a building that had some glass art displayed. I crop out parts of the picture so that the lights in the picture were not much of a distraction and so that the glass art would look more centered.


I took this picture of Robin for my ad campaign shoot. I took this photo in the chapel in Marian. I chose this spot because of the good lighting and the perfect white back ground. I also like the way the orange of her shirt compliments the color of her hair.


This is a picture of Ottawa's Parliament building. It was a bit of a cloudy day and that prevented any harsh lighting. Creating a picture with good lighting. I like how the building is symmetrical. Also all the colors in the picture seem to blend altogether.


I took this photo while I was at the cape Saturday during the day.  I took this with natural light and no flash.  I like how the horizontal lines of the fence and the grass compliment the horizontal lines of the rocks in the background.  The water and sky are also horizontal.  The shadows in the front are a little distracting and if i could redo this photo I would stand at a better angle to cut out the shadows. 


The first photo is the original photo and the second is the edited photo. This photo was taken by Fenway Park on a backroad with full zoom. I really liked the red brick color on the wall of the park. Something that also really stood out to me is the championship banners on the side of the red wall. I like how the cars are parked right next to the stadium and how the flags are hanging of the red wall.


I took this photo a couple of months ago in Pakistan. I like this photo because it is mainly focused on the sky, and the mountains are more on the bottom of the picture. I like the color contrast between the sky and the mountains. If I could change one thing about this picture I would change the angle I took it in, to make it more unique.


I took this photo with my camera, without flash, and using the macro setting. I really liked the depth of field in this photo because the nearest jar is in focus and the rest of the photo becomes more and more out of focus. I also really liked the gold tint on the jars that really gives a uniqueness to the photo.

Teddy_Wooden Floor

I took this photo in the hallway outside of my bedroom. I like it how the details of the wooden floor are partially out of focus because it gives the feeling of time passing by fast. It gives the photo an interesting  pattern design. I used natural light and no flash was used in the photo. The light cast on the wooden floor can be a little distracting but it shows off the shiny texture of the floor. The only thing I wish I could have changed would have been to have the floor on the bottom of the photo be in focus instead if it being out of focus. I found this to be a really interesting photo when I took it today.

Alex_Vintage 50s Watch

I decided to choose these photos for my post this sunday because I liked the idea of this 1950s watch my uncle had. It was a hard decision which was the best photo so I chose one photo out of 80 photos. I like in the original photo above has a variety of color of red, gold, yellow, tan, and brown. The original photo above, I really like it, because the angle of this photo reminds me of a photo you would see in a watch magazine. I like that the watch is the object projected by sunlight, and the sparkle on the edge of the watch. I also like the framing to this photo because it makes this photo look interesting. I like it how the dial of the watch is in perfect focus and the background really isn't in perfect focus. I think the effect with the shadows around the watch makes the photo appear with an interesting pattern,  and design. I think with the slight overexposure to the original photo it makes the watch have a gold-like effect to the photo. I also like the texture of the wooden floor around the watch because it makes this photo look interesting and not boring to look at, instead of staring at a watch with no patterns, or color. I edited the original photo from above and rotated it a little bit. I rotated the watch angle by a little bit, and I cropped it a little bit as well. I also rotated the angle of the shadow on the right of the watch as well to make the photo look a bit different than the original photo above to change the impression of the photo. I decided to desaturate the bottom photo because I think it makes the lighting of the watch have different point of view, and it really makes the aspect of the photo look really interesting. I also like the intense shadow of the watch because it makes my photo look really interesting to look at. I also moved the position framing to the bottom photo because I wanted to see if the watch would have a different appearance in the edited version. I think both the original and the edited photos are interesting. I took this inside, without flash, slow iso speed, natural lighting, auto white balance, manual focus adjustments, and macro. I wish the original photo wasn't too overexposed on the left side of the dial of the watch because it makes the photo look a little bit degraded of color.