Monday, March 18


I took this picture after the first snow of the season. A lot of the leaves the were still on the ground from fall and i thought it would make for an intresting photo. I like the lighting because it isn't too bright out, but it bright enough for a good quality photo. I used no flash on the regular camera setting. (im not sure whether this rotated or not i was having some trouble with it)

Sunday, March 17

Cha_Tien An Mun

This is the picture I took when I lived in China for a year and a half of year. This is a great gate in Beijing called, "Tien-An-Mun" which means a door of heaven. I really like the quality of the picture. I think the clarity of the picture is quite crispy. Furthermore, each color in this picture is well distinguished one another (especially red and blue color). Beside all facts, I really hate one part in this photo: cars in front of the gate are really distracting. I would try to crop them out, but then I have to remove the wall under the gate to erase the cars.


I took this photo of the side of a shed in Sudbury a couple weeks ago. This subject was appealing to me because of all of the writing on the wood. The sun was particularly bright and I think caused my camera to pick up great detail in the writing. I took the picture an angle to avoid any washed out areas  and any glares. I think the angle adds to the image.


I took this photo yesterday while working at a concession stand for a soccer tournament in Ashland. I did not have my camera, unfortunately, so I had to use my iPhone. It was an overcast day so the top left corner of the photo is quite overexposed. But I like how the light shows through the bottles to give them some depth instead of them looking so flat. What I would change would be the overexposed sky and maybe take a similar photo at a different time of day or when there was better weather. Also, I find it distracting that not all the labels are facing the same way. Finally, there are some trees in the background on the left side of the photo that I wish were not there, but this was the photo that I took with the least amount of trees showing. Since it was such a bright day, I didn't notice many of these distractions because I could not see my phone screen properly. I will try to keep my camera with me more often in the future.


I took this photograph with dim fluorescent lighting, but bright lighting from under the keys of the keyboard. In the first photo, I like how the keys fade into the orange background. In the second photograph, I really like the flares. The shallow depth of field in both of them is great.


I took this photo on the fourth floor window and I put my camera on the steps. This is a photo of me. I took it by putting the camera on a timer of 12 seconds. I edited because I thought it was a little dull so I tried to make it brighter. I did this by auto-enhanceing it, then warming it, and then boosted it once. The only flaw is that my foot did not get into the photo which is important to include in the photo.


I took this photo in art when I was trying to make a light blue for my painting. I was mixing the dark blue and white together and I thought the swirls made a cool effect. I took the picture with the paint brush because it added another element to the photo. Overall, I really love this photo because be swirling paint and the colors in it.


I like this photo because the pen is out of focus and blurry and the flower on the paper is in focus. I think this photo has a good use of depth of field. I took this photo in a study, my light source was the overhead lights. My camera was on a portait setting.


I took this photograph on Saturday morning.  I think it looks very cool and interesting. What I did to manipulate the photograph was I removed plastic lenses from the 3D glasses that are given at the movie theater.  Then, I over lapped the two lenses and it created a mix of colors. I like the way it looks and the trees in the background

Garner_Wide View

I took this photo using my phone because I saw a interesting view. I used the panning setting on my phone and swiftly moved it to capture the full view of Jericho Sledding Hill. I like the was the hill looked with all of the trails running down it. I also like the way the people seem to shrink in size the further up the hill they go. The one thing I wish I could have changed was that I took this with my camera instead of my phone. I feel like it would have been a better quality. I still love this photo because it captures the winter spirit.


I took this photo last week when the snow storm hit. I think the angle I took it at and the shadows that are cast make it very iteresting

Dilbarian_ tree bark

I chose this photo because when you first look at the photo  it is kind of hard to understand what is in clear focus.  Then your eyes travel towards the back of the photo where it is a little overexposed and extremely blurry.  once you realize that the blurry figures are trees, you also realize that what you are looking at is the bark of a tree.  I love the highlights of the setting sun on the crevices and cresses in the bark I also like the shadows casted on the bark and how there is a little bit of color with the green of the trees in the background.  Lastly, I love the small flares casted in the shot and how it has such a shallow depth of field.  If I were to change this photo, i would try to not have the background to be less over exposed and maybe back up to get more with in the frame.


 I took this photo at the New Bedford Half Marathon with my phone and only using the light available. This was the leader in the race. Although I was using my IPhone camera, I believe that the action shot turned out better than it would have on my other camera. I liked that the runner was to the side of the photo and not directly in the center. I also liked bright blue sky in the background and how it brings out the color in the runner's shirt.


I took this photo in my dinning room. The chandelier was on the ceiling  so i took it in a different that it is slightly bent...then straight. I took it both in black and white so that you guys can compare which of them is better. I thought it looked better in colored photo because you can see a little bit of shadow in the picture.

Duchaney_Class Ring Engraving

I took this photo of my engraved signature on the inside of my class ring with my Canon Powershot SX110IS on macro setting. I used available light coming in from my open front door and placed the ring on a white foamcore board to give the photo a simple background. I think the plain background contributed to the effect of the shadows when the photo was desaturated. I like how clear the engraving is. However, I wish the shine on the bottom right of the ring was less harsh.


I took this picture with no flash. I like how the pretzel closer to the camera is bigger and is crisp focus and how the ones at the end of the "line" get more out of focus as they go. I think this shows depth  and does a good job displaying foreground, middle ground and background.