Saturday, January 16


I took this picture in the afternoon, so the light is really bright in the background. I chose to have the picture in black and white rather than sepia because the shadows contrast really well with the bright background.
These pictures were taken for my holiday project. I edited the first picture because i wanted the star to stand out the most.

another portrait

This picture was inspired by a picture my mom took of her roommate in college for a photography class :D I brightened it just a little to make her pants and hair blend with the background less, but I still wish that her hair stood out more from the background.

Friday, January 15


I took this picture of Shannon at school. I like the light on the left side of her face and on her hair. I did crop it to get rid of some of the background.

Monday, January 11


I took this right before we left for vacation when all the artwork was still up on the windows.

Sunday, January 10


I went to London during Christmas vacation. Here's the world's most famous luxury department store, Harrods.


These are some photos I took for the texture project. They were both taken using artificial lighthing. The first one is a close up of a christmas decoration in my house. The second one is a close up of part of a lamp. They were both taken on the macro setting.


This is a picture of Mr. Barrys Stocking hanging hanging off his desk. I like how crisp and in focus the front left of the picture is and how the back is out of focus

Day of Photograpy

These pictures were taken today. Kathleen, Julie and I dedicated today for a photo shoot and shot portraits and other miscellaneous things. These are a couple of my favorites.


this is a photograph of tiers in the back of a truck. it was taken later afternoon after school.

Her Eyes

Close up of Colleens eyes. Natural light. I like the highlights and detail


This is a photo of a wreath like decoration with a lacey type thing weaved into it. I like it because it shows the different pine needles, but also the texture of the lacey thing. I also like how the two greens contrast. However, the store window in corner of the photo is a little distracting.

Missing homework

These pictures from my holidays project and texture assignment. These are to make up for the posts that I have missed and for this weeks post.


i used artificial light for the first photo and natural light for the second photo.


I took these both in natural light in my grandfathers kitchen. I like that the cookie plate it cut off on the side.