Friday, May 16


I'm posting this for Sunday, May 11th. I took this photo after school one day so the sun was out. I like that the bee was on the dandelion. Also there are dandelions around the main one that aren't full yet, which helps to focus on that dandelion.

Tuesday, May 13


These are the posts that I had to makeup.
The first image is for (04/06/14) I took it of a couple flowers I had in my kitchen. I like that the colors of the flower contrast with the greyish tone in the background. I do wish that the picture was focused better because you can't see it as clearly if it were focused well. I also don't like that the sunlight is coming from the window so you can see almost through the flower and i would like it to be bolder.
The second image is for week (04/13/14) It was on my friend party and she was dancing but I zoomed into her face so you can see her facial expression while she was moving. I also like that she's not looking at the camera because it makes the picture a candid instead of a portrait.
Next is the image for (05/04/14) I took this image on a rainy afternoon at Jordan's Furniture. I thought this picture was interesting because all of the trees were the same. I took the image from my car to get in a higher angle than standing up, because or else it would've been way too low and it could have been more clouds than the actual trees. I also like that the colors on the ground and flower bushes in the background makes the image more alive.
Lastly, This is my post for this week (05/11/14) This image was taken inside so the lighting was very bad, but the white of the cupcake helped it look brighter. I like that there are almost layers of background because of the cupcakes, the image has a lot of depth. I also like the angle I took the image in because it shows all the details of one cupcake so you have an idea of what the others looks like even though they aren't focused.


These are three photos I took that are all makeups. The top one was from my ad campaign of Polo (5/4/14) and to me is one of my favorite photos due to the lighting and the fact the shoe is focused perfectly where I want it to be. I also really like the lighting in the photo and how the sky in the top left corner and green grass gives it a summer feeling.The middle photo I took while doing my Macro Marian assignment (4/27/14). I went into the chapel and thought it would be a very good photo. I like how the keys closest to us are clear and the farther they get the blurrier they are. I also like the contrast between the black and white in this photo and how you can see the reflection of the painting on the all in the keys. The last photo is one I took while doing my Editorial Street assignment (4/13/14). I took it on an abandoned bridge in Natick. Instead of just taking the photo straight up I thought I would turn the angle to make it a little more creative. I really like the angle I chose and the light reflecting off the sign. I also like how there's graffiti on it because it gives it a more street feel.

Monday, May 12


I took this photo by the art room downstairs at Marian. My favorite part of the photo is the blue eye and the white surrounding it. I also like the check board back drop and the shapes it makes also.

Sara_ misc

I took this photo when I was on vacation in Sanibel Island while shooting for my paired project.  I really like the composition and the symmetry displayed.  I also like how the focus is on the end o the bridge.   The only thing i wish i could change is over exposure in the background of the shot.

Sunday, May 11


I took this photo of some flowers in my backyard about a week ago.  I really like how the flowers that are in the center of the photo are focused and the rest of the flowers in the photo are not completely blurred out.  I like how the bunch of flowers that are the main focus of the photo are not completely in the center but a little to the left. 


I took this picture at Newport, MA. It was a sunny day and the light was in a good angle for me to take. I like how the point of interest is the lighthouse and granite rocks add to it.


This is a photo from my spring has sprung assignment. I like this picture because I like the different colors of the chalk mixed together and the texture on some of the edges on the chalk.


I took this photo with my camera, without flash, and using the macro setting. I really liked this photo because of the contrast between the green in the trees ad the bright blue sky. I also really liked the shade of blue of the sky that day, which really made the photo pop. Although the tree's flowers are not completely in bloom, I really liked the photo overall. 


This is a picture of a beach when i was in sanibel island, florida. I love the contrast between all of the seashells and the sand and how it pops. I also like how the ocean has such  great color and how it contrasts with the sky. i like how its kind of in the middle if the wave crashing on the sea shore. The thing i like most about this picture is the seaweed across the shore. I like it because it curves around the beach which makes it very interesting to look at, i also like how its so rich in color also. The only thing i dont like about this photo is the people down further on the beach, i think its a bit distracting. I also dont like the kite in the sky.

Dilbarian_make-up post

This is a make-up post for 4/13. This is a picture of an orange kayak that i saw on my way to the beach on a rack. It thought it was kinda cool so i took a picture of it. I really like how its in such a crisp focus and the angle at which i took the photo. The only thing i would change about it is the black handle in front of the kayak. I could of just took it more up close or take it from the other side. Another thing that i really like is how the inside of the canoe is all orange but you can still make out all the little details.

Teddy_Tree Flower Blossom

I took this photo on Thursday during class. The seniors were out on the cookout by the parking lot, I went to the side of the school and saw this blossoming tree. I thought it would be a great photo to take, so I took it. I really liked that the whole background is out of focus and is blurred out and the only thing that is in focus is the flower blossom. I think with the background out of focus makes it a really interesting photo to the viewer. I thought that if I made a copy and edited it, it would make it far more interesting so I edited it on iPhoto and made it black and white. Next I blurred out the background by increasing the blur to cover more of the background out to get the blossom to be the only thing in focus. I think the black and white version makes it a far more interesting photo than the original, it makes the photo feel peaceful and the feeling of the main subject is brought to life. I don't think I would have changed anything in this photo if I were to have changed it. All around I think it was an interesting photo that I took.

Alex_ Aerial View

I took this photo about 3 weeks ago when I was flying to Florida for spring vacation. I chose this photo for this week's post because I thought this was one of the coolest aerial photos I've taken so far. In the original photo on the top I like the variety of blue in this photo, the pattern, detail, different shapes below, and the lighting in this photo. I like the different curvy water rivers below because it makes this aerial photo interesting to look at. I think if this photo wasn't taken over a waterway it wouldn't look as interesting as it is already. I like the fact its so high up and you can see everything so clear because if this photo wasn't  as good this, it would look too dull. In the other two photos I cropped the bottom left corner because you can see part of the airplane window sill. I also changed the color, changed the saturation, used cinemascope effect on Picasa 3, filled the light setting, and tinted the color a little bit. I also brightened it just slightly so you can see it a little bit more. I love the cinemascope effect to the bottom photo because it adds so much bright colors to this photo. It makes this photo look like it is taken in the 1960s or 1970s with the cinemascope effect. I think the cinemascope effect makes this photo have a brighter effect on the rocky areas around the swirly river below. It also adds an orangish color tint to the bottom photo. I took this photo with natural lighting, without flash, using white balance settings, macro, and auto focus adjustment settings.