Tuesday, May 13


These are the posts that I had to makeup.
The first image is for (04/06/14) I took it of a couple flowers I had in my kitchen. I like that the colors of the flower contrast with the greyish tone in the background. I do wish that the picture was focused better because you can't see it as clearly if it were focused well. I also don't like that the sunlight is coming from the window so you can see almost through the flower and i would like it to be bolder.
The second image is for week (04/13/14) It was on my friend party and she was dancing but I zoomed into her face so you can see her facial expression while she was moving. I also like that she's not looking at the camera because it makes the picture a candid instead of a portrait.
Next is the image for (05/04/14) I took this image on a rainy afternoon at Jordan's Furniture. I thought this picture was interesting because all of the trees were the same. I took the image from my car to get in a higher angle than standing up, because or else it would've been way too low and it could have been more clouds than the actual trees. I also like that the colors on the ground and flower bushes in the background makes the image more alive.
Lastly, This is my post for this week (05/11/14) This image was taken inside so the lighting was very bad, but the white of the cupcake helped it look brighter. I like that there are almost layers of background because of the cupcakes, the image has a lot of depth. I also like the angle I took the image in because it shows all the details of one cupcake so you have an idea of what the others looks like even though they aren't focused.

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