Tuesday, February 28


these pictures are in Canada and Cambodia. I went Cambodia for volunteer survive during the winter vacation. I like these photo because the great movement and great focus. I think there are good camera angle too.

Chen_ PPT

Those pictures were took in LA. The first picture i took is a guy singing on the beach, the second picture is a mother helping her kids look through the telecope, the third picture is a group of Chinese travellers taking pictures together.


Person: The person in this photo is my sister. She is riding her scooter at the skate park at the end of my street. I like how I got her in crisp focus while the background is in motion.
Place: The place is Milford Town Park Baseball Field. I tried to capture both the field and the bleachers in one frame. I like how the bleachers fade off into the distance.
Thing: This photo is of a row of grocery carriages. I like the angle of this shot and how it almost appears to be black and white. The silver carriages stand out against the grayness of the background.

Monday, February 27

Ricky_People, place and thing

The order of the pictures is place, people and thing.


This is my photo of People place and thing. The first picture is thing, the second picture is place, and the last picture is people.


This is my PPT photos, the first picture is a girl stand in book store, she is reading book. the second one is shows the place,the book store. And the last one is shows a sunny day,the building is behind the book store.And the book store is on the corner,because of the sunny day, the book keeper would be sale the books.


This is a picture of my brother, Max sitting on the steps that are out front of our house. This was taken when the sun was going down. I liked how the sunlight created shadows on the steps and on Max's face. .................................................................................................... I took this picture in front of the Holliston Town Hall. This memorial blended in with the statues in the cemetery right beside our town hall. I managed to isolated the statue from all the graves that were in the background by tilting my camera. I think it is more aesthetically pleasing this way. I also like how everything, the trees and plants, are all going in one direction; to the tip of the statue. ................................................................................................. This is a picture of point ballet slippers. They were hanging on this fenced wall in a ballet studio. I like how the lights in the room reflect off the silk~like material of the slippers and ribbon.


The first photo (in no particular order) is a lake view from a small cliff near my neighborhood (place). I like the way the trees show up against the lake. the second photo is a picture of a doll that someone had wedged between a sign and a telephone pole (thing). I like the how the shape and colors of the doll stand out against everything else. the third photo is a picture is an old buoy, also against a telephone pole (thing). I like how it fits in with everything else in the background, even though it is from a completely different environment. all of the photos were taken outdoors with no flash, the place one on an overcast day and the the things in bright, cloudless days.


The first picture represents the person. I like this photo because her hair shows a lot of movement but her smiling face is in focus. I took this picture at school, no flash. The second is a picture of my dining room. I like it because the whole room is just a reflection in the mirror. I like the colors in this room and the lighting was very good this day. Indoors, no flash. The last picture is my thing picture. It is of a piece of wood or something that was stuck in the blinds on the window. I like how it is in clear focus with the blinds. Also the bright blue sky in the background adds a nice pop of color. Indoors, no flash.


These are my other PPT photos. The first one is a picture of the license plate on my mom's car, representing "Place". I like the colors of this photo. I also like how only part of the word is in focus. This second photo is a lego "Person". I like how there is light reflecting off of the right side of the lego piece. I also like how he is the only thing that is in focus in the frame.

chen_ seagull

I took this picture in LA, I like this picture because its get really close up to the bird and we also can see the seagull's face. it also get really good lighting in here. info: NIKON D90 [70-300mm/F4.5-5.6] F8 1/800s ISO200

Sunday, February 26


This is a picture of a decorative crystal hanging from our torch lamp. I took this from an upward angle to get a 3D effect. I especially like the scale of the crystal, it is smaller than a golf ball but appears to be much larger. I also like how the lighting from the lamp reflects off all the cuts in the crystal. I also like the bronze backround from the pole.

Jimin_PPT place

I took this picture on thursday. My friends and I went to Harvard for touring and I took this picture front gate of Harvard. I like this picture that good shape of the shadow and good angle of the camera. The reason that I choose this picture for PPT place is because the front gate has symbol of the Harvard.


I took this photo during a birthday pary, this is a picture of all the girls. This is one problem about this picture, it is really difficult for me to set the white balance, because light of incandescent lamp is yellow and the flash light is really white.


I took this picture yesterday. In this photo I try to move my lens to follow a moving person.


I took this picture of Caudia Palencia's eye in Marian, in Mr. Gilligan's room. Because of all of the windows there is great lighting. If i could change one thing I would move the camera up a little to get the full length of her eye lashes.


This picture was taken in Grand Central Station. I was trying to capture the hectic station by taking a picture of all the busy people trying to get to where they're supposed to be. I took this picture without flash on a high ISO setting. If I were to change something in this picture I would try to get the clock in the center to be in more focus and move the camera to the left to have the ceiling's designs be symmetric.


This is a photo of my iPod cover which I thought would be a cool thing to take a picture of. Its design makes the picture interesting to look at and the angle from which I took it in does too. I took this with my new camera without flash.

Reitter_ Person

This is a photo I took while at a hockey tournament. I like this photo because he is stretched out. I like how his skate is raise because it shows motion or action. The lighting is okay and almost everything is is good focus. The color and lighting is much better in this photo than in others I took. This was taken without flash. The only thing I would have changed, but can't, would be to get rid of the red line on the boards, I feel it takes some of the attraction away from the kid.


I choose this person photo because it was a silhouette as opposed to a typical portrait. I like how her hair is highlighted in the sunlight and the movement is captured in her hair. I choose this place photo because while it is similar to a landscape, the flow from the building and the cars make the photo more candid. (Taken on my phone camera.) I like the thing photo because the background is not focused, which brings the focus to the front and the hay. I like how the movement and the flow of the hay is captured in the subtle sway.


this is a picture i took just this morning, when i was shocked by how incredibly blue the sky was. it seemed like a good backdrop to some tree pictures. this was taken in the morning with no flash.


I took this picture of the quarters in my friend's car because I though they looked cool all in a pile. The natural lighting gives them a enough light to make them all have different shades but it doesn't over expose them. I really like the different shades of silver against the gray back round. Taken indoors without flash.

Herlihy_ Advertisement

With this picture, I tried to get a bunch of items together that had the same idea or said the same thing. This just being three I didn't really have much to go on but in the future I will try to get more collectables to make the photo have much more to look at. With these objects put together as an attire, then this would be a decent advertising photo shot but with no model... I tried to just get all of the items in a close up shot. There are also other things that I would like to say about this picture that would have made it better, but the main one is the model. What I tried to focus on was how each item was propped. Each item was given its own space to "show off" it's texture or lighting. Also as more of a technical problem I couldn't really get the pin to stay in focus with that position but I wanted it at the bottom right so as a question; Would the pin look better focused but not in a favored position, or is it better to have it set somewhere people would like?


This is a picture of a glow stick. I like how it is the only source of light in the photo. Also i like how it lights up the words on the lens cover. If i could change something, next time i would like to have more of the word illuminated. This was taken indoors without flash.


This is a playground right by my house. I like the composition of the photo and how the sings are separated by the poles of the playground.
I like this picture of Jackie because I like the highlights in her hair and the flow of the picture with the bars of the railing and her looking in that direction.
This is a picture of my roof when it snowed for like 5 minutes. I like the flow of the picture and how the squares look like they are getting smaller as they get farther away


I took this photo in Spain on our last day when we visited Gibraltar. I think this photo is very good because the monkey walking across the photo gives it good flow and the all blue background looks very nice in the photo. I think this photo looks very artsy and i took it without flash and zoomed up to the monkey a little bit.