Monday, February 27


This is a picture of my brother, Max sitting on the steps that are out front of our house. This was taken when the sun was going down. I liked how the sunlight created shadows on the steps and on Max's face. .................................................................................................... I took this picture in front of the Holliston Town Hall. This memorial blended in with the statues in the cemetery right beside our town hall. I managed to isolated the statue from all the graves that were in the background by tilting my camera. I think it is more aesthetically pleasing this way. I also like how everything, the trees and plants, are all going in one direction; to the tip of the statue. ................................................................................................. This is a picture of point ballet slippers. They were hanging on this fenced wall in a ballet studio. I like how the lights in the room reflect off the silk~like material of the slippers and ribbon.


JackEgizi said...

I love these photos especially the ballet shoes and the grave. I love the focus of the ballet shoes and how the color in the background matches the color of the shoes. I also LOVE the blue sky in the background of the picture of the grave. It really pops out at me.

JackEgizi said...

I love these photos especially the ballet shoes and the grave. I love the focus of the ballet shoes and how the color in the background matches the color of the shoes. I also LOVE the blue sky in the background of the picture of the grave. It really pops out at me.

Nick said...

I really like the photo of the ballet shoes. I like how you angled the camera. Also, the wall behind the slippers add a lot of movement to the picture. I like the color in this photo and how the light reflects off of the shoes.

Ricky Xiang said...

i really like the kid on the stairs, because he emotion is quite interesting,and the second and the third photo were took from down to up, which gives the photo a good angle.

Yulu Liu said...

The first one is a guy. The sunlight created shadows on the steps was really good. The second one is landscape, the force is very good, the trees and plants are going in one direction. And the third one shows how the lights in the room reflect off the silk.