Monday, February 27

Ricky_People, place and thing

The order of the pictures is place, people and thing.


Emelia said...

I really like these three photos! I like how you cropped the first photo to include some of the bushes in the background. I also like how the flow from the pavement wraps around the statue. Although the second photo is a little busy, I like how you captured her movement and how the door frame frames the photo. I really like how the fish are all looking in the same direction in the third photo. It is a little dark, but I can still make out the details of the fish. Great photos!

Jules said...

These photos are really good. The fish one is my favorite. It has great flow, focus and depth of field. I like the contrast of the fish and the dark background. In the 2nd one the person's face isn't lit very well but it has good focus. In the last one I like the angle and how the photo is not a straight on shot of the statue. It has great color and focus too.

ben rabinowitz said...

I like the photo of the fish, the deep orange color really stands out. I also like how the fish seem to staring at you.

ben rabinowitz said...

I like the photo of the statue, it has alot of details in it. The background has alot of different colors and scenery. The different sizes and colors of the trees adds great depth to this photo.