Monday, February 27


These are my other PPT photos. The first one is a picture of the license plate on my mom's car, representing "Place". I like the colors of this photo. I also like how only part of the word is in focus. This second photo is a lego "Person". I like how there is light reflecting off of the right side of the lego piece. I also like how he is the only thing that is in focus in the frame.


Millie Bache said...

I like this photo of the Massachusetts license plate. the parts that are out of focus create the image to have a wide depth of field. I think if you showed more of the lower part of the license plate it would eliminate the empty space above. However too much of the license plate may cause it to lose the place theme of it.

Millie Bache said...

I like this photo of the Lego man. The way he was positioned with the weapon held out in front of him added detail that makes this photo interesting. Because you took it at a lower angle it caused him to appear larger. I like that you thought out of the box for this assignment it is very unique

Jerry chen said...

I like the one with the Lego man on it. It is a special view and it makes the picture much more interesting.

Nick said...

I agree with what you said about the license plate photo. There is a lot of emptyspace at the top, that's just because i wanted "Massachusetts" to be the focus. If i had angled it down more, there would have been too much of the numbers. Next time I'll try cropping the photo to eliminate some of the empty.