Monday, March 26

chen_ night sky

I took this picture when it was clear out. I was using a long lime sxposure to take this photo. and the moon is also in the sky with stars. info NIKON D90 [10-20mm F4-F5.6] F16.0 1221.9s -1.0EV


This is the same photo but the first one is the one I edited. I took this picture for the film portrait project but I also wanted to see how they would look so I took some digitally too. I think this picture has fairly good lighting although it was a little pink toned so I fixed that. Another thing I would change if I could would be to zoom out a tiny more so that her elbow was not cut off.


210mm f5.6 1/640s ISO-100
210mm f4 1/1000s ISO-100
180mm f5.6 1/400s ISO-100


I took this picture at 3/22 4:12pm, it is a sunny day. I like the color of the picture.

Sunday, March 25

Sunset_Ricky Xiang

I took this photo of sunset at the seaside, and there are many layers in this photo, which give this photo more elements.


This is a picture of cards I tacked to my door. I like that the "love" that the cards create isn't in focus but the 7 and the hearts toward the top are in focus.


I took this picture in Harvard Business school. I really like the stump, the red wall and green grass.


This is from the Color portraits project. I adjusted the saturation of the color. I like the softness of the photo and how the colors on her shirt still stand out and show a lot of detail.


This is a photo I had taken last weekend at one of the docks near Boston harbor. The bright green color of the duck's head caught my eye. I also thought the ripples in the water from the ducks motion added flow to this picture. I used a flash because it was in the late afternoon.


This is a picture I took of water that i froze then shaped into a sphere. I dont like the shiny parts where the light hit the melting parts of the ice, but overall the picture is not bad.


This is a picture of a plane hanging from a store's ceiling. I thought it was so cool and I just loved the red above and that it would all make an interesting photo.


This is another flower that is just blooming in my yard. I like this because of how big the flower looks. Also, I really like the color in the photo. If i could have changed something, i would like to have the flower be in better focus. Also, some of the blades of grass in the bottom of the photo are distracting.
This was taken outdoors without flash.


I took this picture in chicago. I like the shadow of the tree and the flowers had good lights.


This is a picture I took at the nature club outing on friday. I like the colors and the way the background goes on for so long. this was taken on an overcast day at noon (not on the macro setting).

Warzewska_Summer Haze

I took this photo on Friday when the weather was really nice. (Outdoors, no flash) I like how the photo is a little bit hazy because it adds to the "summer" feel of the photo. I also like how the shadows flow toward the girl, elongating the photo. If I could have changed something, I would have cropped out the upper right hand corner.
I took this photo at my cousins house last week. I liked how in focus the fake flower was and how out of focus the window was. I like how the window looks very old and how center the flower is in the picture. I also like how the flower is at a bit of an angle.