Sunday, March 25


This is a picture I took at the nature club outing on friday. I like the colors and the way the background goes on for so long. this was taken on an overcast day at noon (not on the macro setting).


Millie Bache said...

I love this picture. The coloring, angle, and background of the main focus. they all add up to make a great photo. I like how the sand is the majority of the picture but in the far horrizon it shows a thin layer of the sea and sky line. It makes for a wide depth of field.

Jules said...

This picture has really good depth of field and great focus. I like all the shades of tan in the photo, but how you can tell the main focus is the stump.

Isabella said...

This picture has great lighting and its so crisp. I love the detail in the wood. This photo is really nice.