Saturday, January 30


I took this photo when I went to the butterfly garden at the science museum on Friday. I like how this butterfly isn't centered and how you can't see both wings equally. I also like the crisp focus and color. However, next time, had the butterfly stayed still, I would have liked qa different angle because I find the pink flowers in the back a bit distracting.

Bird House

This picture was taken with a film camera, a few minutes into a snow storm. I like the rustic coloring of the picture that the film caused. I like the depth of feel with the plants in front of the bird house.
I probably would have used this picture for texture if i hadn't taken it yesterday :P I was fooling around with my camera because there's so much sun in my room and there was great light, and I zoomed in to get the texture of my curtains.

Monday, January 25

Sunday, January 24

foggy road

this photograph was taken on a very foggy day. it was midafternoon so there was still alot of light. i really like how the trees lower in size on the right making the picture going down.


for the first photo, i aimed for it to be a "dreamy" photo of my cat. i took it with this specific background because i wanted a simple background with minimal detail, but i didnt want it to be just one plain color. the second photo was taken around the same time as the first photo. i put my other cat in the window and adjusted my camera settings and the lighting in the room so i could achieve this silhouette. for the third photo, i used natural light and i used manual focus so i could completly blur the background and get only one area of the branch in focus.


discarded portrait

When I printed it, her face was way to dark for me to use as a portrait, but I still like the background behind her and how the light hits her face.