Wednesday, January 8


I really like this picture. I took this picture on christmas eve before we all went up to bed. i like how the trees lights stand out the most and illuminate the photo. I also like how the presents, tree, and stockings are all in one picture because it symbolizes "christmas" in one photo. if i was to change one this about this photo i wouldn't have cut out the top of the tree along with the star.


I took this photo on top of a mountain in Lahore, Pakistan. I like this photo because each rocks seems to have a different shade of brown or grey, and they all contrast with each other very nicely. I put the camera on focus so it would not seem out of focus.

Monday, January 6


I took this photo outside today after it rained. It was early in the evening and it was after the sun had gone back behind the clouds, I really like this picture because I love the texture of the concrete in the rain and how the shininess at the top  fades darker near the bottom. 

Sunday, January 5


I took this photo of my dog when I was waling her the other day.  I love the way that the sun looks in this photo.  I really like how I took this in black and white, I think it really changes the way that the photo looks.

Sara_ firewood

I took this photo outside on a cloudy day around 2pm before the snow storm.  I used the macro setting on my camera and took its of a old piece of fire wood outside my house.  I like the depth of field and the detail in the wood.  i also like the highlights on focus on the leaves as well.  I like how you cant exactly tell what the photo is of right away but I like the story it tells.  With the snow and the leaves in the background it describes the firewoods importance in the winter.  The first photo is the original and the second is cropped and repositioned.  I like the second one better because it has a more interesting angle.  I also like how there is less distractions in the second one compared to the first.  


    I took this picture in my cousin's house during the christmas vacation. I really like the sunlight going through the window on the ground which make the shadow of the tree reflect on the wall. And the over exposed of the sunlight and the yellow color of the wall which make this photo more interestin.


I like this picture because i like that the street sign is the main focus and that the rest of the city is the background. I took this picture in NYC on a somewhat sunny day at around noon. I also like that the yellow stands out and that the street light has graffiti on it.


I took this photo in New York City at Union square. I took it on a rainy day in about four o'clock. I took without flash. The over exposed light in the picture and the light reflecting off the water on the lenses makes the picture look more interesting.


I took this photo in my friend's house during the Christmas vacation. I love this photo a lot, because the cat was really cute and pretty, and I caught its good emotion when it stood still. I think another good thing about this photo is that I put the cat in the middle of the whole photo. And the light was soft but not too dark.

Brossi_A Pond

I took this photo Sunday morning around 11:00 am.  I was in the woods and I thought it was really cool how some of the water was frozen and a lot of it wasn't.  I like how the snow looks so clear, but you can still see some of the nature that was there before it ever snowed.  I took this using outdoor light and no flash.


I took this image over Christmas Vacation. I used my Nikon to take the image. My favorite part of the photo, the two tourists. Too me the tourists give the image even more character. This image was taken near Fenway Park in Boston. The tourists add life to the photo. As you can see, there is not a lot of action going on in the photo, so the tourists really give it a nice touch. I like how one side of the road has more cars than the other. Something that I also like, are the buildings in the back and on the side of the photo. These are old and outdated buildings compared to the buildings just a few streets away. Some things that could be changed, to the left of the image there is a yellow loading-dock for trucks, this could be removed it's a little distracting. The last thing that I think could be changed the water puddles at the bottom right of the photo.


I took this photo while at a concert. The lighting was weird so I decided I should use flash to get my best shot. I really like this photo because of the upward angle. I also like how you know it isn't a posed shot. It is clearly an action shot. I wish the lighting wasn't strange so I could've gotten shots without flash, but I'm happy with the outcome anyways.

Teddy_Misc BMW Z8

I took this photo after when I came back from seeing a movie. The car in this picture is a BMW Z8 it was one of the cars used in the Pierce Brosnan James Bond movie "The World is Not Enough". I took this photo a few minutes before the sun was going to set. I like it how the sun setting on the top of the roof of the car and how the light is casting on the hood of the car. This makes the photo very interesting to the viewer. Most of the background is out of focus and can give the photo a bit more of an interesting look to it. The only thing I wish I could have changed would have been to wait for the person to walk by who can be seen in the rear window of the yellow car on the left side of the photo. The other thing I wish I could have changed would have been the to not have the reflections from the front right side of the Z8 it does make it a little bit distracting. Other than that I thought it was an overall great photo that I took of the car.


I chose this photo for my miscellaneous post because I thought this was one the many favorite photos I took over vacation. I took this photo on Christmas day around 8pm. I was out with my family for a Christmas dinner. I like how the chocolate cake ball in the background is out of focus, and the cake in the front is in perfect focus. I also like the variety of tan, browns, and whites, and red in this photo, and also the contrast of this photo. I also like the lower lighting for this photo because it brings in more colors and detail to this photo. I wish this photo wasn't partially cut off at the bottom of this photo because it makes this photo look slightly less interesting photo. I took this photo without the flash, using macro, auto white balance, faster ISO speed, snap focus setting, natural light sources, low light, and small amounts of exposure as possible.


I took this photo with my camera, without flash, and using the macro setting. I really liked this photograph because the red in the ribbon really pops. I also liked how the plant is generally in focus and everything else is out of focus. I also liked the snow.