Sunday, April 26


So this picture is different because no one is looking directly at the camera except my reflection. I like how only one face is realistically visible when the others are just images ofthe real objects. Front, side and rear profiles are all visible and i like the lighting

futuristic in the present

This picture was taken in an elevator surrounded by mirrors on every side with lights above. I also like how you can see different angles and views of my mom and I and it looks like there are five people instead of two.


This was taken around 1:30pm. No flash ISO- 200 Shutter- 1/40 Aperture- F10
i got a new 50mm f/1.8 lens over vacation, and i love it.

random stuffff

I took this photo today in Ashland. I took it around 11:00 with my macro setting. It was taken at 1/250 shutter speed and f 2.7. I like the highlights on every peice of jewelry :) If you actually look up close enough you can see my holding my camera in a pink shirt in every bead.


This is supposed to look like the shadow is juggling the ball, I hope! I took this picture in my driveway this weekend. It was around 4:30 and I took it at 80 ISO and 1/200 shutter speed.

Korean forsythia

Today is really hot! I took a lot of flower's pictures.