Saturday, May 15


I like the lighting of this photo and how the flower is not in the center. I think the colors look nice together, but i wish they were brighter.

Monday, May 10

Sand dollar

I really liked the way the light gave detail and shadow to the sand dollars.

Bright eyes

Natural light, about 4 p.m. I wanted to make her eyes bright and show texture in her hair.


for the first photo, i wanted the shadow to be the focal point. i wanted the last three photos to each have interesting focus.

taken on a farm in dartmouth when i went tosee ethan's new-born baby goats......converted to sepia in post.....taken at around 7, the un was very low

Sunday, May 9


This was taken with natural light. I like how it focuses on the front object and the image reflected on the mirror is burried.

Sand dollar

At the aquarium. Natural aquarium lighting.


I liked the way the raindrops puddled up on the leaves of this plant.

Watering cans

Saw this odd looking tree of watering cans while out antiquing with my family.

Found my marbles!

This was a close up shot I took of a marble collection. I was trying to capture the vibrant colors of the marbles.


This is a photo of a wild turkey. It's a little blurry because I took it really fast from a moving car. I like how all the colors blend together and how the turkey is off to the side. The green strip of grass at the bottom is a little distracting.



I took this in all natural lighting. I like where the gnome is in the frame and how I had almost no camera shake this time.


I took this picture zooming in, so the details might not be very clear. Otherwise I like the composition and the texture of the water and ripples around the geese.
This picture is a picture of the vase i bought my mom for mothers day. she put a carnation from church in it and i thought that this particular carnation looked really good with the gray tones of the marble so i gave it a more interesting background and removed all of the other carnations from the vase. 


I took this picture at about 12:30 on a sunny afternoon. I like the bright pink against the green in the back. I also like the light on the flowers. I cropped it because there was a flower that was very dark and out of focus on the bottom of the picture, but you can still see a part of it.

Pot of gold?

I took this picture at a track meet last Tuesday. There was a double rainbow but you can only really see one.