Friday, November 7

Witch and pumpkin car

I decorated in my house for Halloween. In the living room, I put on the shelve the witch. The time was 4 o'clock, so there was sunlight. I like this picture, because it is warm color and the shadow is good.

Thursday, November 6

Floating chair

This picture is exteremely random but I like it alot. I like the way the chair looks like its floating. I also like the way the background is not lit at all but the chair has highlights on it. I took this on the stage at marian around before lunchtime I beleive. The exposure was for 1/25 of a second.

Convict Crane

I like the unnatural light in his eyes and on his skin. If I had taken this picture without flash it would have been grainy because there was not a lot of light available. The beowulf mask and padded elbow in the bacground is a little distracting. This is a snapshot of Stephen doing a chin-up so this is an action shot. Unfortunately, the doorway did not have a door to block all the commotion in the bacground.

Wednesday, November 5

Withering Petals

I love the colors and points of focus in this picture. I don't remember the what the settings were but it was taken indoors around 3pm on macro.

Sunday, November 2

waiting at the marina

This picture was taken on the automatic setting with vibration reduction lense on. I really like the colors in the picture.
I liked this photo because of the lighting, 
I like the lace curtains and the shadow of them on the left side of the wall.