Saturday, October 20

Garner_Lets Go Mustangs

I took this Friday at the pep rally. I was taking in available light (under the gym lights). I had my camera set on portrait setting. It focused on the Mustang head and blurred the background. 

Friday, October 19


I took this photo in my kitchen with the overhead light on. The ISO speed was set to 800 and the camera setting was set on vibrant color and the white balance was set to flourescent. I like the diference in the shades of red in the photo. I also like how you can see the texture of the apples through the reflection of my kitchen light. The small shadow on the apple in the bottom right corner is from our fruit bowl, I tried eliminating it with diferent angles but this shot came out the most focused and vibrant. If i could change one thing it would be editing that shadow out so it didn't look like that apple was brused.


I took this photo one day after school. I sat down and placed my elbows on my knees to take a steady picture. I like the background, the green leaves and light blue sky and the crips focus. If I could change something I would try to include more of the top rope that ties on to the tree.

Thursday, October 18

Flavia_Looking Up

I took this picture of a tree by putting the camera facing up the tree. In this picture I like how the bark is really detailed how the tree slowly goes all the way up.

Monday, October 15


I took this photo outside my bedroom window, which over looks the front yard. The drive way and yard are framed by the window and all the different color greens and yellows outside go together.  There were many leaves in the yard too. I used inside light and no flash.


these are some pics of my cat sinimin.  they where taken outside with no flash, it was partly sunny.

Sunday, October 14

Reichart_Apple Picking

This is a Picture I took last weekend when I went apple picking.  I like how the sky in the background is so bright and comes through the tree branch.


Today, I was at my cousin's son, Finian's, one year birthday party. This was taken in their backyard with only natural light and a Nikon Coolpix L810. I like how Fin is more in focus than the rest of the people in the background, but I still wish that they weren't necessarily blurry. I also feel like the sky is a little too white rather than blue. But I love the expression on Fin's face and how his "birthday boy" ribbon can be cleary seen.

Dilbarian_ pumpkins

I took this picture at night with no flash, it is only using light from the candles within the pumpkins.  I really like this picture because of the different shades of orange and yellow and how the light radiates out of the pumpkins. 


I took this photograph with a flash. I like the different colors in the mushroom and the contrast with the grass.  I also like the puddle of water in the middle of the mushroom. This was taken with a Canon Rebel EOS XS.


When I went to Sturbridge Village I liked the way all of the antique doors looked. I took this photo because I liked the colors and the texture and way the light hits the handle.  This photo was taken in early afternoon with no flash and outdoor lighting. It was a cloudy day. The camera I used was a Sony Bloggie.


I took this at the Grist Mill in Sudbury on Saturday. It was fairly sunny outside, although with wasn't taken in direct sunlight. What I like about this photo is how the waterfall has movement and i also like the texture of the stones. My favorite thing about this photo is how the red of the mill is so prominent against all of the other colors. But what I would change about this photo is the glare from the sun behind the building because it made the photo a bit less clear.


this was taken with available light coming in from a window. I didnt use any flash

Flavia_Moss on Block

This is a picture of moss growing in the creases of a stone driveway. No flash was used only natural sunlight (the sun was actually setting). I like how detailed each of the pebbles/stones that are in the block. I also like how the moss is very detailed and there is a shine of sunlight. The thing that I would have liked to fix is the blurry part of the block.


I took this picture Sunday afternoon in my backyard. It was a cloudy day and it was drizzling. I took it on my camera's auto setting and i didnt use flash. I don't like that you can kind of see my sister's name underneath the word Spalding writen on the ball, because I think it's a little distracting. I like the way all the different colored leaves look around the ball. I also like how you can see the texture of the wall.

Namubiru_Pink Flower

I took this photo at the side of the school. I like the water droplets on the flower how the background has yellow flowers, while the focus point is the pink one. There was no flash, only afternoon light.


I took this photo outside my house using no flash, but I did use the macro setting. I really liked this photo because of the details that the camera caught. The raindrops and the veins of the flower are both very clear. I also liked the lighting on this photo.