Friday, October 21


I took that picture when i was walking around in Ashland. I like the white of the church and the thing on the top. the blue sky and clouds make this picture very pure and fresh. info: NIKON D90 [70-300mm F4.5-5.6] F14.0 1/160s

Wednesday, October 19


I really love this photo, i took this with my best friend in Boston Public Park, I love the inverted reflection in water.

Tuesday, October 18


This is the pumkin i carved a few weeks ago. I like this picure because it is in focus, you can even see the small bumps on the pumkins face. you can also see the light shinign through the carved parts. This picture was taken indoors with out flash using only natural light.

Monday, October 17

Tianli Wang_Cat

I took this picture when I was in Boston during the weekend. I like the color of the photo and the focus of this photo also.


I took this picture when I was fooling around with my camera. I like the different shades of light coming through the light. I also like how it looks like the shapes are a reflection of one another. This was taken on the no flash setting.

Lotus_Ricky Xiang

This is one of the photo that i took back in the summer time. I like the the color of this photo, the shape of lotus and i like the focus of the lotus. You can see all the details of the lotus.


This is a picture I put up from a concert that I recently went to. I really like the subject matter which is an explosion of millions of tiny little pieces of paper. I think the lights make a really cool effect with the paper. I took this indoors without flash. I think that maybe if i did not include the lights below in the picture, it would have been better.


I took this picture over the summer. I was just sitting on the beach and found the body of a crab and nearby were some legs so I balanced the body on top. I like how the focus is really crisp and also that the chair and cooler and foggy in the background. I think it adds to the beach theme of the photo. I wish i had gotten the whole crab in the pic instead of cutting off the legs.


I took this photo when I went to Aruba in Eighth grade. I like how the Iguana sticks out so much when he is on the washed out bricks of the patio. I also think the focus of it is pretty good.


This is a photo of a few of the tomatoes on my mom's tomato plant. I like how you can see the hair-like fibers coming off of the stems. Also, I like how the sun reflects off of the tomatoes. This was taken outdoors without flash.


i took this picture right after school because the weather is beautiful these day... the only thing i didn't relized that i was useing a not perfect aperture for shotting this picture. i should use a smaller aperture like F8... but the sky colour, the trees, even the fissure on the ground is beautiful, and the clouds just like a bird flying in the sky. here is the info: NIKON D90 [10-20mm F4-5.6] F5.6 1/2000s ISO400

Sunday, October 16

chen_ashland forest

i took this picture when i was walking in the ashland forest. the leaves start change colour already, and i like the reflaction of trees in the water. info: NIKON D90 [10-20mm F4-F5.6] F5.6 1/250s ISO400 -0.3EV

Warzewska_Clock Face

I took this photo inside of my town's clock tower. I think the cropping of the silhouetted clock face draws the attention to the gears and the clock hand in the center. I also like the circular flow of the photo even though parts of the face are cut off. If I could change something, I would change my angle and try to include less of the pole connected to the gears on the left side of the photo.

Reitter_ Miscellaneous

This is a photo I took on Saturday afternoon. This was taken as the sun was close to setting. I took this from the side of my house facing the storm that had passed. I though this was a cool looking photo because of the big tree, the corner of my house, the blue sky, the streaks of clouds and the storm in the background.

Millie Bache _Horizon

I took this photo early morning at around six inside Marian Hight School. I took it through a window at different angles to avoid a glair. i took it without the flash. I like the movement and lighting in this image