Sunday, October 16

chen_ashland forest

i took this picture when i was walking in the ashland forest. the leaves start change colour already, and i like the reflaction of trees in the water. info: NIKON D90 [10-20mm F4-F5.6] F5.6 1/250s ISO400 -0.3EV


Trevor H. said...

This photo does have many colors in it, so I may guess that it was the main theme. This being a nature photo, it has a sense of flow going upwards which outlines depth. Although, the flow itself is leading into almost dead looking trees which do not show color. If color was what you were searching for than maybe taking a photo of the water would be a better choice.

Jules said...

I really like this picture!! the colors are so vibrant and there is great depth. I would have cropped the left side of the little piece of the tree, but overall awesome picture!