Thursday, January 21

MIsc. (fish)

I liked the bright bluw backround against the green neons, and the maroon. I like that they're off center, and the light behind me created both hoizontal and vertical lines to the left.

Tuesday, January 19


I took this picture on a cloudy afternoon. I liked the different colors of the buildings and the reflection of light in some of the windows.

Monday, January 18

Polar Bear

I chose this photo because I love the coca-cola bottle with the santa on it, and the polar bear(commonly seen drinking the bottle of coke) with a christmas bow. I like how the light is bright on one side and dark on the other. I would have liked if the bottle of soda was more visible, as was the bow, and if the couch wasn't. This is one of my holiday photos.


I chose this picture for my post this week because i really like how the dark stone contrasts agains the icy snow. I took it around 230 on a cloundy day.

outside portrait

this is a photgraph of sarah mid afternoon. the wind was blowing and got in her face. i like the realness of her hair being messed up and not perfect. also i think the lighting on her forhead is nice.


The top one i took at night with only the chandelier light on to try and make it stand out more, and the second is just a portrait i tried to take of hillary but i moved when it went off so i ended up getting more of the staircase than of her, but i kind of like the solitude of it


I took a really nice photo from the top of the mountain I went skiing at, and the rest are from boston.


I took this picture in a rainy day. I love how the light reflects on the floor.

Sunday, January 17

misc. + holiday

the first photo is a miscellaneous photo. i wanted to show the texture in the snow and in the boots. the second photo is for the holiday project. i wanted it to be a very minimalistic and simple silhouette of a small branch on my christmas tree, so i shot it from under the tree so the ceiling could be a blank background.

Green Angel


I took these pictures after school one day using natural light. I like that they look so similar but their differences stand out.