Saturday, October 24


This is my dog Edgar. I took this picture on a cloudy afternoon while he was sleeping. I like the angle of it even though it is kind of funny looking.

Ladybug Takeover

I took this picture this week, during the "ladybug infestation"! They were everywhere, so I went outside and took a picture of a couple of them. No flash, and standard settings. I like the shading of it, but the background is kinda busy.

Thursday, October 22


I took this at soccer. I liked the bright white ball against the dark sky and grass. It's not one of my best photos, but I still liked the colors.

Monday, October 19

This picture is pretty simple: just some trees and a fence, but i like it because i think the chains really draw your eyes in. The lighting could be better though. It was really sunny out when i took the picture. Any suggestions?

Sunday, October 18


This is a photo I took while feeding ducks. I like how this one duck is centered, and how the duck just behind it is sort of leadsing your eyes towards the center duck. I also like how the main duck is partially highlighted but also shadowed. I think the other ducks in the back ground are a bit distracting, but there isn't much I could really do to get them to move.

1 of the Adjectives - Opulent

This photo was taken while I was having my dinner at a Japanese restaurant. I think the photo will be better if there is more light.


This was a photo for my ten favorite things--this one is for shoes. It's kind of blurry because I didn't have a tripod and I really wanted to use the light in the room that I was in without flash.

Favorite things

Kathleen sleeping

This photo was taken for my 10 favorite things project. One of my favorite things is sleeping. Kathleen was kind enough to model for me =]


I saw this bag of straws lying in kathleens cupboard and thought that they were really vibrant colors. They stood out to me so i decided to photograph them.


this photo is for my term project on solitude. i chose this photo because i like the reflection on the ceiling, the highlights on the textured floor, and the simple background beyond the windows.


i took these pictures in my basement in fron of my fireplace. it was night and i turned off all the lights in the room. i really like the way the brick is shown in the second picture. i like how the top of the photo is lighter and it gets darker as you go down


I took this picture for my term project which is Autumn. I liked the lighting and colors of the leaves and I liked the glare from the sun that is off to the right of the center.


I really like the color in this photo, and the lighting. I took it with no flash.


This picture was taken out of the window of the airplane. It was in the morning so the sun was just breaking through the clouds. I really like the lighting in this picture.

Sparrow Nest

I took this picture when I walking with my dog to my mom's work. The camera was on automatic and it was cloudy outside so it gave the picture a slight grey tint. I like how the sign is not in the center of the picture and the water in the background.


I took this picture in the Marian high school library during photography class one day. I like the way that the light is coming from the back of the globe and also reflecting onto the bottom. The colors are also very interesting to me, the way the gold metal supporting the globe cast a slight shadow onto it makes it really stand out in a picture that has mostly blues and teal colors.
