Friday, October 24

Dog Days

This was taken around 3pm. I was just playing outside with my cousins and they put my dog in the baby swing. I thought it was cute so I took a few pictures of it. I chose this one to put up b/c I like that she is looking up at the camera.

Colors of fall

I put this up b/c i love the colors, they are just spread out and random. Its was taken with no flash, next to my middle school.

Its Fall!

Take around 2:30pm. No flash. I like that everything has the same shape to it, and the background is almost completely blurred out.

mother of mine

I absolutely love this picture of my mom, i think she looks adorable. I love the warm colors and the look on her face<3 there is also some nice light hitting her eyes. the aperture was set to 7.1

Morning Light

This was taken around 9am (i think) on the 4th floor landing. The flash was off. I like the way the light come through the window, and all lines going all directions.


This was take around 3pm. There was no flash used, and the camera was on the portrait setting. I picked this b/c I like that its angled so she is going form corner to corner, instead of top to bottom, or side to side. I also like that she is in a very natural position and setting.
I chose this image because i think it's interesting. I did ass a ttv layer onto it, but other than that, no editing. I had my camera on Apperture Priotrity setting, but i don't know what the exact settings were. I like the way the sun beams through the petals.


This picture was for a portrait assignment. It was taken during early afternoon. It was taken with an Olympus FE-230 on the portrait setting without flash. I chose this picture because it is not one of the pictures where it is obvious the child is doing a pose that makes it look unnatural.

Wednesday, October 22


I decided to upload this picture to the blog becasue it is not exactly my favorite picture. I like the bright colors of the bikes, the highlights, and the way they are lined up, but I feel like the picture needs something more. It was taken around noon time with a shutter speed 1/300th of a second.


I chose to post this picture of serene becasue I think the highlights in her eyes are nice and I like the way her white beads and white neck ribbon stand out among her dark clothes and skin. The light on her face is very even and I think the background is not too distracting.


I went to the Lookout Farm and I saw mant animals. I took various animal picture. This picture is just took normal way. I don't use flash. Oh, I took this at 2 o'clock.

Tuesday, October 21


I went to Boston last weekend. This picture was taked in Old State House. I'm not sure it's a good picture, but I think it's a interesting picture. Buildings are three-dimentional. I take just normal way. No flash, WB is sun.

Monday, October 20


This picture is of me and my friend Mike's shadows. It was taken at around 4:00 in the afternoon in the pavilion in Ashland, by stone park.  The light was fairly bright out, and i didn't have flash on. I'm not sure of my camera setting, but i think it was on either landscape or close-up.