This picture is of me and my friend Mike's shadows. It was taken at around 4:00 in the afternoon in the pavilion in Ashland, by stone park. The light was fairly bright out, and i didn't have flash on. I'm not sure of my camera setting, but i think it was on either landscape or close-up.
It is a very interesting picture. I think it's a good angle.
I absolutely LOVE silhouettes so I liked this picture immediately. I love how you guys are facing in opposite directions with a pillar separating you. However, i find the top left corner extremely distracting. Perhaps cropping it off? Other than that, well done!
I love pictures of shadows, so I really like this one. I like how you two are facing away from eachother and how there is the divider between the two of you. Maybe if you cut off what is on the borders so you can only see where the shadows and light are, it would have a different effect.
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