Thursday, May 1

Sara_ misc

I took this photo this past week while shooting for the spring had sprung assignment.  I took this photo on my macro setting with no flash on an overcast day.  I like this photo for its color and vibrancy.  I also like the depth of field and the detail throughout the photo.  Lastly, i like the way the focus of the photo shifts by the movement of interest throughout.


I took this portrait of Cristian. The background is white so it makes the photo look more simple. I like that theres not many distractions in it. If I could change one thing about it I would have him pose a little different.

Monday, April 28


I am posting for 4/27. I was at my cousins' house for Easter. I took this picture of one of my cousins and made some cropping to the original photo. I like how the cropping makes her more focus in. I like how my cousin is looking at the camera and how she contrast very much to the background.

Sunday, April 27


I took this photo on Friday in Boston. I like it a lot because there is a big contrast in the photo: the couple sat on the seats and talked to each other, while the people on the right were still wearing winter shabby clothes in spring. Actually after the couple left one guy came to us and ask if we could give them some help, which made me feel so bad because I could tell they did not have home and really need support... I photographed the photo and I like the way how the second works.


I took this picture on Thursday.I took it at a beach at Boston with my friends.I like the post she did when i was taking this photo,and i also like her hair and cloth flying by the wind.The background is blurred.And the background looks like cut in half by the ocean.Anyway i think this is the best people photography i'd ever took.


I took this photo of some crayons that were in my room.  I really all of the colors in this photo and I like how the crayons take up the whole photo.  I also like how all the crayons are focused and not only some of them focused and some of them blurred out.


I took this photo outside of a restaurant. I thought the colors looked very vibrant and spring-like. I had taken a few shots of this from different points of view but I think this one came out the best because there isn't anything unusually ugly in the photo. It's also very simple but you can still enjoy it. I also like how I captured the transformation of the seasons because you can see the greens in the grass and also the yellows from where it was covered by snow and rain a couple weeks ago.


I took this picture yesterday of my three cousins at a bridal shower. I used flash because the lighting at the party was too yellow. On my computer the image was straight but I couldn't figure out how to rotate it for the post. I like this picture because of the simplicity, also because you can see the mannequin in the background.

Sara_ misc

I took this photo while i was on vacation in florida.  I like these because of the angle.  i also like the color saturation and the shadows cast on the ramp.  I like how the focus of the photo is the water and the ramp draws your eyes from the front to the back giving the photo a sense of flow and movement.  the top photo is the original and the second is slightly edited.  i changed the contrast, saturation, and definition to brighten the natural colors and darken the shadows.  


The first photo is the original photo and the second is the edited photo. In the second photo the tree's really darken in color making the snow really stick out in the photo. I like the shape of the tree's and the way they open up in the mid-upper left of the photo to show the sky.


I took this photo with my camera, without flash, and using the macro setting. I really liked this photo because of the bright orange and purple colors that really pop out. I also really liked the depth of field in this photo. The back is actually more in focus than the flower closer to the camera. I felt that it made this photo very unique.

Alex_Flower and plants

I took this photo yesterday around 5pm. I decided to choose this photo for my miscellaneous post for this week because I really like how this photo came out. I like the way the white is balanced. I like the focus of the white flower because it reflects the calm values of nature. I like the effect with the white flower is the only object in focus and the rest of the background is out of focus. I think this is a good still life photo. I like the fuzziness of the background because it creates a pattern to this photo. It also makes this photo look interesting to look at. I also like the low lighting in this photo because it makes this photo less intense and less distracting. I like the contrast between the petals of the white flower and the inner part of the flower is yellow because it makes this photo interesting. I also like the different shades of green in the background of this photo because it makes this photo interesting to look at. The second photo I choose was taken around the same time yesterday. I like the variety of colors in this photo because it makes this photo vibrant. I like the different shades of pinks, greens, purple, orange, red, and yellow in this photo, because it makes this photo look really interesting to the viewer. I like the brightness in this photo because it really catches your eyes easily. I really like the color patterns on the plants because it makes this photo look appealing and interesting to look at. I wish I could change the exposure of the left leaf in the front of this photo because it looks a little bit overexposed. I also like the lighting in this photo because you can see all of the plants amazing colorful pigments in this photo. I also like the texture of the plant's leaves because it makes this photo not boring to look at. For both of these photos I didn't use the flash, I used macro settings, auto white balance settings, manual focus adjustments, natural lighting, and with a few small exposure problems.