Friday, November 27

Wednesday, November 25

Monday, November 23

Portrait 1

I took this picture of my neice one morning at the grist mill in sudbury. i really like how the lighting. I changed it to sepia tone, and i did another one in black in white but this one looked better.
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Sandy Lopezzz

I love this photo of Sandy. She was laughing because she thought posing looked stupid in the middle of framingham, but I love the way the picture came out.

Sunday, November 22


I love this portrait because I love the way she smiled. Also, I love her pose.



This picture was taken in the auditorium. I put my camera on continuous shot and had Paul dance around. I really like how this one came out because the look on his face is really interesting and i like how his arms are.


I took this picture a little before sunset. I liked the way the sky looked and the glare from the sun. I took it with the camera on my cell phone, so the quality isn't the best, but I still thought it came out pretty good.


Day at the beach


I took this picture for my Adjectives project, "malleable". I really like the lighting and the color/texture of the clay. I don't like the busy background though. I would have moved the camera to the left to get the stuff in the back out of the picture if I could.


I took this to represent "nocturnal" for my adjectives. I used flash, and as always I hate those shadows, but my tripod wasn't tall enough to get the angle I wanted.
Guinea pigs also aren't actually nocturnal :) but this one is up all night, trust me. I also wanted to photograph her because of the cowlicks in her fur. They pick up a little but of light and look pretty cool.


I took this in New York City yesterday around 6:00. I like how with all the lights, advertisements, and people it captures city life. The only thing I don't like is the advertisement on the right that is really bright and you can't tell what is is.