Sunday, November 22


I took this picture for my Adjectives project, "malleable". I really like the lighting and the color/texture of the clay. I don't like the busy background though. I would have moved the camera to the left to get the stuff in the back out of the picture if I could.


Paul said...

this is sci!! i like how it looks like it's melted and deformed...if it was just a regular playdogh container it woulb be boring but the subject is reallyy interseting!!!!!! i like how the ends, especially on the right side become overexposed almost!! love it

Aly Hart said...

I like how you molded the play dough around the container. I also like how the light is hitting th eplay dough from one side, although it's not overly shadowed. However, i think t could be a little better if the right side wasnt as brightly exposed.

Hillary W. said...

I think the Play-Doh looks very "malleable" wrapped around the container. I think it was a good idea on your part to show what it was by showing the container, and also make your adjective obvious by wrapping it around something else. I feel like it's a bit overexposed on the right, but it doesn't take away from the picture for me.