Wednesday, November 18

adjective project

I took this picture to represent "fetching." It was taken around noon and I thought it made for a nice black and white picture. It was originally taken in color and then I desaturated it.

Tuesday, November 17


I thought that one of those car rugs would be a more 2-D take on urban as opposed to a shot of a skyscraper going up, for instance. I wish there wasn't a piece of paper in the middle but I didn't notice it until after the shoot and it was still my favorite of the photos.


(2nd of 3 makeup posts)
This is my oh-so-cooperative nana posing with a giant metal mosquito my mom bought in Martha's Vineyard. I love the comedic aspect of the photo.


(first of 3 posts to make up for missing posts) This was for my adjectives project. I wish the flash shadows weren't there but the light in this area is actually very yellow and I preferred it brighter. I also wish my mom's watch wasn't peeking out on the right side.

Somewhere below this post Kat used zealous defined as devoted, but here I use it as very excited (that dog treat is homemade with liver, and my dog can tell that it's different, and of course, huge).

Monday, November 16

term project - solitude.

i wanted to post a few of my favorite photos from my term project on solitude because the projector darkened them alot during the presentation today and they were very difficult to see.


These two photos were taken behond the school on the lake. I like the detail and colors in the moss photos, and I liked the way the concrete framed the photo in the other.
the top photo was taken for a basement full of photos and it was just a neat looking chain that i found in my basement. the bottom photo of the chair is one that i will be using for my adjectives project for arbitrary because as you can see the chair is not usually found in a parking lot so it was kind of an arbitrary decision to put it there. 


This was my romantic photo for my adjectives project. I like it because the bear is not looking directly at the camera. I think its a bit too bright, and maybe if I darkened it a bit it would look better.

Sunday, November 15

Adjectives - Fetching

I took this picture in Boston in the evening. I was really attracted by the color of the sky. Unfortunately, the building blocked part of the view.


i took this photograph for the adjectives project for "zebroid." zebroid means zebra-like. i set my camera on a long exposure to get this effect.


I like how you can see all the crumbs of the cookie and how the eyes and mouth really stand out. I took this picture on the macro setting.


I took a picture of a ladybug on a railing in my backyard. It was taken in the macro setting on the camera. I liked the depth of field of this picture and the natural toned colors.


Shot on auto. The apple wasn't focusing well, so I put it on a glass to make it stand out more.


I took this picture for the adjective zealous, meaning devoted. I really like the shadows in this picture as well as the angle.

Rainy Day

This is my bird Rocky, he was running up and down the rope there. I like his position and the shadows given off from the window, even though it was rainy upstairs. The cage at the bottom is a little distracting though.

Old Bridge

I took this picture on a road in new hampshire. we pulled over the car so i could take it. It was around 1o am and i loved all the reflections in the water. I wish i could have taken a picture closer up.