Monday, November 16

the top photo was taken for a basement full of photos and it was just a neat looking chain that i found in my basement. the bottom photo of the chair is one that i will be using for my adjectives project for arbitrary because as you can see the chair is not usually found in a parking lot so it was kind of an arbitrary decision to put it there. 


Lindsay Garrahan said...

I really like how much the yello chair stand out in the parking lot....the cars in the background are a little distracting mabey if you cropped then out of the picture?... but other then the cars this pictures really cool

Kat Finnegan said...

I really like the arbitrary photo. The yellow chair is really bright and stands out and has really good focus. This photo also really represents arbitrary well.

Paul said...

the color does make it stand out and i love that. also i like that to the left there is unison and to the right there is a lonely chair to show opposite of uniform

Hillary W. said...

The yellow chair is really good in how it stands out, and how it wouldn't normally be in a parking lot. I like that the cars are in there because that shows where the chair is.