Monday, October 3

Jack Egizi_key

I chose this photo because for my project one of my words was "key". Since this was one of my words I kept it original by just taking a photo of my keys. The reason I like this photo is because although original, the keys are very detailed and you can see the shapes, shadows, and dirt in the keys. If I could change anything it would be the glare coming from the top right corner. This photo was taken without flash, and i used my phone instead of my camera.


This picture I took for the Inanimate" empty". I like this picture because I like this idea to take. I put four cups in the table, that's all empty, even can look through the glass. Awesome...

Sunday, October 2


This picture of a pigeon is from my 6 photo assignment titled Random Thing. This picture was taken on my back deck using only natural light. I liked how the colors of the bird blended in with the natural colors of the wood deck. I also liked the shadow the bird cast from the angle I took the picture. It was also interesting how the subject was perfectly in focus, while the background of the grass was completely out of focus. I was surprised that the pigeon did not fly away from the distance I took the picture.

Jules_Royal Blue-Paint-Spastic

I like this picture because I like how the deep blue paint stands out from the garage door. I also like how the paint looks soft against the rough hard background. Finally I like the flow of the picture and how it lead right to Clara's paint covered face.


This picture is one of my assignment "6 photos".It was assigned as random thing. I took a picture of my friend's abandoned flowerpot. Inside of flowerpot, not only mud, but also leaves are decay. Also there are nothing in this flowerpot except mud. Shot outdoors/without flash.


This is a picture i took for the color "rust". i didn't like the images i was taking of actual rusty things, and i didn't want to be boring and take a picture of something that was just the color of rust, so i decided to use the metaphorial meaning of rust: metal giving way to nature. this picture shows a metal safety rail ending abruptly and being replaced with a sunny forest. Even though there is very little actual rust in the picture, i felt that it captured the meaning well. This picture was taken in full sunlight (which explains the excess of light on the top of the image) with no flash and no zoom.


My inanimate adj. was broken and my noun was bus. I was going to take a picture of the broken mirror and a bus pulled up next to it. I like this picture because all of the colors are crisp. this picture was taken inside while looking outside with no flash.

Tian Li Wang_Lace

This picture is about lace, one of the six photos I shoot. It is a part of my classmate's dress. I shoot it with out flashlight.

Herlihy_ Glassy

I took this photo when I was completing a prior project but now that I look at it, I think it resembles what can be look upon as glassy, which is one of my six subjects. When I usually think of glass I see only a glass cup filled with wine but in this picture I try to show that a glass cup or a glass window is not the only thing that looks "glassy." I also took this photo with the black and white setting on so it would make the viewer have to really look into the lake to see the reflection. (This is the original photo)


Confusing was assigned as my inanimate adjective. I took a picture of two different types of cows, one that was a stuffed animal and another that was a painted plaster. The painted cow is looking into the mirror. It is supposed to signify that the painted cow sees itself as one thing but in reality it is seen as an ordinary cow. And it would be confusing to see a cow with clothes on. Shot outdoors/without flash.


This is a photo I took from the assignment "6 photos." This photo is titled Peanuts. Peanuts was under the category "random things." I took this photo on Wednesday. This photo was taken at night on my deck, without flash, with a deck light behind me.


I took this picture yesterday during the fireworks show at my town's Oktoberfest. I like how all the lines are moving in different directions but the picture still has a general flow. I think the white on the outer edges also help frame the firework. I set my camera on the no-flash setting and moved it around while the shutter was open.

chen_marine green

i pick the picture of marine green in my 6 pictures. i took this picture near the ashland train station. this picture is kind of empty, because there is no main character in it, if there is a bridge above the water or a bird flying in the sky, it will be batter. But i really like athe color, the clouds, and the reflection in the water of this picture. Here is the info of the picture: NIKON D90 [10-20mm F4-5.6] F8.0 1/250s ISO 320


My action term was destroy so I decided to take this picture of a tree in my backyard that has been eaten away at by termite of some sort. I like the crispness of the depression in the tree. This picture was taken in natural light without the flash.

Ricky Xiang_Wound

this is the photo of wound. I used two crystal mice, broken heart and white roses to show the the broken love. if the lighting is a little bit bright, the photo will be better i think. (a wound of heart)


I picked this picture as one of my six terms which was "push", and it is a toy I have from when I was younger. I really like this picture because of how bold all of the colors are. I also like the angle, it makes the picture look less boring. Since part of the toy is cut out, the toy looks a lot bigger than it really is. You can also see the detail in each button which is cool. This was taken without flash.


I was assigned Mechanical as one of my six words. When I thought of mechanical, the first thing that came to mind was mechanical pencils. I took this photograph without using flash. Since there was not much ambient light, I used my camera's "AV" setting to let more light in. My light source was a single light bulb off of the right hand side of the photo.