Sunday, October 2

Herlihy_ Glassy

I took this photo when I was completing a prior project but now that I look at it, I think it resembles what can be look upon as glassy, which is one of my six subjects. When I usually think of glass I see only a glass cup filled with wine but in this picture I try to show that a glass cup or a glass window is not the only thing that looks "glassy." I also took this photo with the black and white setting on so it would make the viewer have to really look into the lake to see the reflection. (This is the original photo)


james mcgarry said...

this is a really good photo! the bench with the person on it does a lot to make it appear not boring. the only real comment i can make is that it would be nice if the actual image and the reflection were the same distance away from the border of the photo. other than that, i have no complaints. good job!

Trevor H. said...

Thanks dude

JackEgizi said...

I love the glassy and stillness to the water in this picture. I think that the person on the bench actually is good in this photo! It shows your prespective and it gives the pictre a little bit more life. I also think that the black and whit makes the water look alot more glassy.

Stephen Reitter said...

This is a great photo. Everything seems to be in focus at the small size on the blog, but when you blow it up, its a little bit unfocused. The fact that you though about taking it in black and white, and not in color was clever. The water does have a nice glassy look and in the bottom of the photo, it looks like a piece of the photo was ripped off, which looks cool. Good job and great photo.

Yulu Liu said...

Good picture, i love this color. i feel very good when i saw this picture.