Sunday, October 2


This is a picture i took for the color "rust". i didn't like the images i was taking of actual rusty things, and i didn't want to be boring and take a picture of something that was just the color of rust, so i decided to use the metaphorial meaning of rust: metal giving way to nature. this picture shows a metal safety rail ending abruptly and being replaced with a sunny forest. Even though there is very little actual rust in the picture, i felt that it captured the meaning well. This picture was taken in full sunlight (which explains the excess of light on the top of the image) with no flash and no zoom.


Nick said...

I like the angle of the beam. It adds great movement to the picture. The one thing i would change about this is the focus. Since your word was rust, I would have liked the beam to be in better focus. Overall this is a great photo!

Jimin Chun said...

I like the light of the picture. It has a good balance between light and angle